This is about what I did with my 3 day weekend. Its a collection of my FB status messages and whatever else I add. The point of this is to say I have hit the turning point. I will do what it takes not only for school but from now on. I Can
I knew I had this 3 day weekend. I know that I have been given a gift in this school that gives me the tools to promote myself. I know that I felt like I would never get to the point that I could approach a stranger and hand them a card. Some students had left our door knockers on windshields. I considered that option but I personally don't like stuff on my car and I don't think I should take the chance to touch their cars. Especially leaving an item with my name on it. For two months I knew that I would have to do the work somehow. This is how it went down or up ;)
For the past several years I was living my life for my days off when I could catch up on FB games. I got up, or rather the dog insisted I get up with his talons on my face, at about 8 am. I've been sitting here since playing one of the old games and while it feels like I'm sitting here relaxing it just doesn't compare. I just don't feel like myself doing that. It just feels like the clock is moving. I don't know what I'm going to do but I'm not going to be happy if my manikin clients do not get some care this weekend. I have to make time for them.
If the scale is reading right it said I was back to 255 yesterday. It had been going up and down. I'm out of gum so I'm going to walk and get some before I cut the lawn. Be back later y'all
Operation give my card to the lady at Cvs is a success plus one
When I had my fancy acrylic nails on a few months back CVS was the first public place I went with them on and she noticed and we had a nice chat. Then I spoke to her again when I was going back to school. So it was always in my mind that even if I was a chicken and never handed a card to anyone else I'd at least give her one. As it turns out when my turn came her coworker had just come up to stand next to her so I gave the card to both of them. I told her "You're the first person I'm trying this on"
I'm about to go get pizza. Lets see if I'm brave enough to hand someone a card.
I rocked it. Its a Little Caesars so I just have to say what I want and they grab it from the rack. I walk in and see that its a young lady behind the counter so I order, pay and step aside since the next customer came up before I could get the words out. The employee asks if I needed something else and I said "I was wondering if you'd like my card?" she accepted and without flinching I turned to the lady customer and said "Would you like one too?" and bam 2 more handed out. Its not just the card either. Its stapled to a little folded service & price menu too that Regency gives us
Shyness is Gone. Welcome Confidence
went for a walk earlier today to give my Cosmetology School business
card to a lady who works at CVS Pharmacy who was nice to me a few weeks
ago. That turned into me giving her and her coworker a card. Then just
now I went to pick up pizza and gave a card to the lady employee and the
lady customer. And I I beat the little bit of shyness that was left.
You lose. I'm gonna do this thing. I can do what needs to be done and
feel great doing it.
I wasn't handing them a Please come help me learn how to do hair card. I was handing them a Let me take care of you card
I can do this today it means I will be able to get a job because I will
find a way to get the word out and build a clientele. I will market
The key now is to do it right when they come so they keep coming and tell others
24 years ago today when I was 13, the man whom I should never have known because he wasn't supposed to live as long as he did passed away. My Grandfather Paul. He served in WWII in North Africa and on through Italy. We have a helmet with an entry and exit hole. The bullet hit something he was carrying in the underside straps of it and only grazed him. Otherwise he would have been gone and neither my Mother nor I would exist. He was my role model and still is.
4 years ago today I was hired by Kroger to wash and wax the floors at night. I then moved to the Meat department 13 months later. I left this past June but those almost 4 years helped and taught me a lot. The people who worked and shopped there made a difference in my life. The day I had today was not possible without them.
I plan to make the most of September 29th, 2013
I have:
31 business cards
23 service and price menus to staple them to
11 door knockers
17 post cards
That means I have at least 23 to hand out before I switch to handing out the others or I can offer an choice of which to take. Or I can staple the extra cards to something else. The knockers have service and price menus. I can try using my printer to fill out the post cards
Can you all tell how bored I am? Not..........I'm loving this
~~~~~~~ 4 Years ago I got a job. But today is the day I go to work
Ok, operation storm the mall is about to begin............ I'll check in by phone if anything good happens
I have arrived —

One card down, thirty to go
it took me two laps to build up to going in but i did
~~~~~~~ If you never do, you'll never know - taco bell sauce packet
I'm home from Operation Storm The Mall.
Tally is
1 card - Claires
3 cards - Gymboree
4 cards - Bath & Body Works
1 card - Taco Bell
1 card - Hallmark
1 card - Old School Apparel
11 cards Total
Plus I got lots of walking in. I'd say I did at least 6 laps
I gotta say this calm hesitation I felt today is quite a new experience. It tried to keep me at bay and I had to walk around that whole mall twice before I got down to business but its not stopping me from trying. I didn't have butterflies or nerves. Its more the thought of having someone annoyed enough to get security involved. I at least confined my giving to inside the stores and to the employees for now. There is a rule that says you're not supposed to disrupt others shopping experience and some stores do have it written not to solicit inside., I didn't want to be on camera out on the hallway giving cards and then have the possibility of them seeing me there on other days doing it too
Lets see, tomorrow is Monday which means I can go to the school and get more cards if I need them. But the question is where do I go with them? There's gotta be a public place where I can hand out cards right? I thought maybe a park but I don't want to be a creepy guy at a park if there's kids around. I was looking at the other mall's site and they specifically state in their policy that I can't solicit etc.
everyone. I've got some ideas coming to mind. One thing is for sure,
I'm not wasting tomorrow. I will hand at least 1 card to someone.
I've got some in the car right now just in case I ever leave the house without them.This person is going to do what it takes, positively, to reach my dreams and goals.
If you don't believe me, changing your mind is not my priority. I have better more positive things to do.
Its such a new feeling. I don't know where I'm going to go. But I know that I'm going to get out of this house today and I'm going to Live. Oddly enough I've been training myself for this over the past few months. The bow shopping that forced me to get over it. The dress shopping for a project I didn't have to do. This is just one more case of me having to get creative with this new project that will never end this time. There is no due date. The only change will be the words on the cards come summer time when I graduate.
I have always had a stubborn determination. But I now have confidence to go with it. I'm going to find a way. I care too much not to.
After Going Out
4 Cards given on Saturday
11 Cards given yesterday
12 given today
27 total.
I so got this. I didn't realize there were so many hairstyle magazines these days. I thought I was going to go get maybe 4.
Apparently there are a lot of CVS stores in this area. I just drove to 10 of them and handed my cards to employees at 8 of them with 2 getting 2. Google Maps comes in handy. The other 2 stores didn't have what I wanted.
I almost saved the last one for tomorrow because its on my usual drive home from school but I said I'm not holding back this time. I went in grabbed the last few magazines I needed and noticed a lady unpacking boxes in the aisle. I gathered up the guts and offered the card and after I said its right down the street I said I noticed you working hard so I thought maybe you'd like to come relax.
Then there was a young lady at the counter with hair a few inches below her shoulders. I did my usual pay and ask if they want the card. Then she asks me what kind of nails we do and she's asking if we know how to do the nail shapes. She wants her natural nails shaped. So we chatted about that a bit and then I mentioned that I noticed she has longer hair like me and that I won't trim more than she asks. I said I can make dust.
So we'll see where this leads.
And I am so totally over my fear of being near the magazines. I could care less who sees me anymore.
At the second to last store when I gave 2 it was because the lady called up a cashier because of the line. So after I gave the card to the one that came up I went over and gave one to the original one.
Note: I purposely was only buying 1 magazine per store until the last few when they had some back issues.
9/29/13 CosmoProf & Gymboree: Client info Organizer, Appointment book, Kids cape with critters or monsters on it, $4 diffuser from the clearance table, and my lunch bag that I'll use for something from Gymboree.
Magazines from 9/30
Hair Cut & Style: Hairstyle Showcase - Fall 2013
Hairdo: Short Styles - Fall 2013
Hairdo: Short Styles - Winter 2013
Hairdo Ideas: Hairstyle - Winter 2013
Short Hair: Hair Preview 2014 - Fall / Winter 2013
Hair Cut & Style - November 2013
Sophisticates: Black Hair - November 2013
Sophisticates: Hairstyle Guide - Nov/Dec 2013
Celebrity Hairstyles: Short Hair - Fall 2013
Celebrity Hairstyles: Short Hair - Winter 2014
Celebrity Hairstyles: Short Hair Style Guide - Fall 2013
Celebrity Hairstyles: Short Hair Style Guide - Winter 2014