Cosmetology School Journey ~ I'm a Licensed Cosmetologist. - 8/13/14 ~
I think I can let it sink in now. I'm a Licensed Cosmetologist.
Saturday I went back to the testing building and took my Theory test on
the computer. I'll be honest and say I thought I was getting a bunch
wrong. I don't know if I did or not because they only give you a score
if you fail. But I Passed. And right away was given this card. The paper
license for hanging on walls by a station comes in the mail. But I have
this one.
I thought my next step was already decided
upon but in honesty I wasn't quite ready for it. Or maybe I just have
too many questions to answer before I take that leap. But after a few
days of worrying over those questions I am suddenly open again. I don't
know where I'm going to be working. And for the first time in a long
time I'm happy about that. I can work anywhere. I have that card. It
doesn't say that I am an expert. It doesn't say that I won't make
mistakes. It does not say that I am done learning. To me it means I've
earned the right to continue to learn. There are classes I could not
take without that card. There are stores I could not buy from without
it. There are opportunities I cannot even consider without it.
on this side of the hurdles. I still have so much ahead to do. But I
can now. This journal is about a 14 year journey. But its not over. I
intend to keep writing in here. It may not be the types of entries as
before but I would like to keep this going. The school part is over but
this is still a cosmetology journey. A journey to continue aboard the
Positive Train ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thank you for reading
I love you all <3
~ No Tangles ~
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
State Board Exam Part One - Practical - 8/4/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ State Board Exam Part One - Practical - 8/4/14 ~
I'm still stunned that it happened. There are always going to be key dates in the history of this journey. Such as these
8/2/2000 - Started Virginia Farrell School
7/22/2013 - Started Regency
6/12/2014 - Graduated Regency
I have two more dates to add. The first being yesterday, 8/4/14. I first want to say that I am thankful that my school, Regency had us do mock State Board tests. I am glad I did mine all 4 times I could. The reality is that those prepared me for the doing. It was always the packing that made me nervous and well scared. But I got that bag packed somehow. So I woke up yesterday morning and I had a 50 minute drive to get there. I left in what I thought was plenty of extra time. I envisioned myself sitting in a parking lot somewhere drinking some coffee waiting to go in. So I drove. And then the first road I wanted to turn to head south was backed up so I kept going west. The next road was closed and both west and south were blocked so I had to turn back north and then head west. And then when I finally turned south it was a road that's supposed to be fast but there's just too many lights so I turned back east to get to a better road. I was trying to get down to the freeway so I could at least get on it. I finally got on and then a few miles later got onto the other freeway to go west again. Then I see an electronic sign saying 17 minutes to get near where I need to be. I didn't have 17 minutes and the freeway was a parking lot so I got off onto Woodward and headed down to 8 Mile and then went west again. Then I made my turn onto Greenfield so I could turn onto Northland Dr. Um No. Northland is closed there so I found myself on 9 Mile heading west trying to find a way back south. I turned south and found myself back on 8 Mile and obviously on the other side of the building and I was at this time probably late and now a bit lost. So I turned back east on 8 Mile and then saw it. A turn lane to get onto Northland Dr and right there was the building. So I parked and headed up to the third floor and right there in front of the elevator sat a group of people with bags that were obviously there for the test. And they said that no one had been checked in yet and that they were told to wait till the people came to get them. So with my heart racing already with the thought that I had already forfeited the test and the money I suddenly had to calm down and breathe before the thing that was supposed to make me nervous began. I had made it. I was going to take the test. It seemed like about 10 minutes before they came for us so I did get to calm down. After 14 years it was going to happen. I had been imagining all along this darker room without windows. I guess my image was like that of a dressing room backstage somewhere. Instead it was a bright white themed room with windows of an office building with blinds. Honestly it was like Virginia Farrell was. They asked to examine our manikin head and hand. And then the tester who did the talking says she will answer questions as long as its not something you should already know in which case she would say do as you have been instructed. So it was time for pre setup and setup for the manicure. I was going along pretty well with my manicure and then I did something dumb. I hadn't started polishing yet and I threw my bag of cotton in the trash. My orangewood sticks didn't have any on them yet. So this meant that I would have to do the best polish job of my life without being able to clean up any polish that got on the skin. I don't know how but with my hands shaking more than they ever have before I put thos 4 coats of base, polish, polish, top coat on with only a tiny bit getting on one finger. And I could do nothing about it. And time was running low. So I raised my hand to signal I was done.
Next was the facial. I don't recall any issues with it. I think I was the first one done. Mrs E taught us well.
Next up was the 3 Part Chemical. You section the manikin in 4 quarters and use 3 of 4 to demonstrate. Here I had my second big scare. I didn't put any gloves in the bag for this. I thought I did. But it hit me that when I packed my bag for the perm wave I put an extra set of gloves in there "just in case". Like maybe one would have a hole or something. So I opened my duffle and got that pair out of the perm bag and zipped em up and used that hand sanitizer. And I had gloves. :)
The first section is Virgin Lightener / Bleach. This is done in the middle of the hair strands only, not the roots or the ends. The second section is Hair Color retouch of just the roots. The third section is a relaxer retouch which is basically the same procedure except you have to put gel or pretend protective gel on the rest of the hair strand because overlapping relaxer onto hair that's already been relaxed is bad. Even if you don't cause the hair to break off its gonna be extremely damaged. When she asked for questions right before this part I asked if we were doing half of each section or the whole sections. She said at least half. I was able to do the whole section for each with time to spare. Again I'm not as slow as I think I am. But doing those 13 heads worth on that last day of class helped.
Next up was shampooing. Gosh that stuff is hard to wash out of hair. I don't know if we're supposed to or not but we were taught that State Board wants the sinks cleaned after you use them. I took my manikin back to the station and then grabbed my disinfectant spray and some paper towels and I went back and cleaned my sink. I don't think anyone else did. But I didn't care. Either I was doing what I was supposed to or I was getting extra credit. I mean even if there aren't points for it maybe it would send the message that I care about sanitation.
Permanent Wave - I bet those who know this journey by now would think this would be a cake walk for me. I can laugh about this now. But I was far from it. My manikin almost went for a plunge out a three story window. Ok first I was trying to drape the manikin. I went to unpack my two towels and one of them fell. Onto my garbage bag which was now no longer hanging from the counter but on the floor leaning against the cabinet with the tape on the door. What do I do? Its now considered a dirty towel isn't it? But I have to towel, cape, towel to protect the client. In my mind it was "Oh well it is what it is" I picked the towel up and set it on the counter. Sanitized my hands. Then put it on the manikin. Protecting the client from a chemical is better than the dirt. Maybe? It fell on the bag but not quite in it. Ok so lets get to doing the thing I know I know how to do. The manikin's hair was not evenly cut. I went to wrap that first rod and couldn't keep the hair from falling out of the paper. Lets just say I probably made at least 3 attempts at each of the 5 rods. And I probably had fish hooks / bent ends. And that first rod had me on the edge of melt down. But I wrapped them somehow. And I took whatever score they were going to give me. I raised my hand and demonstrated squirting the solution on and the test curl.
Haircut - You must cut at least an inch off of all the hair. You must do a 90 degree uniform round layered cut. In other words any strand you grab if you hold it out from its spot it must be the same length as any other strand held out from its spot. So you cut the hair in a stop sign like pattern. After the morning I had had so far there was no way this haircut was gonna scare me. I had this. I was two procedures away from being done. So I got the razor out and the shears and all those extra combs just in case and I started cutting. I want to thank everyone who has let me do this haircut on them so far. Some of you may not even know I did it but I had a lot more practise on it than most in my class. I don't like using the word chop but that's what i did. I chopped away. We had 40 minutes to get it done and when the 20 minute chime came I was in checking mode. I brought a manikin with at least 8 inches of hair. So I didn't have to worry about cutting her too short. Every piece was going to be at least an inch. I did not cut myself. I did not drop a comb. I was probably the first one done because you can hear it when someone grabs the broom and dust pan and I was the first to make the noise. I'm not going to say my haircut was perfect. But I know I cut it all. Including those strands that I had to wrap on perm rods.
Thermal Curls - Each bag for each procedure has to be labeled Pre Sanitized ______ in this case Pre Sanitized Blow Dry & Thermal Curl. I know I wrote out that label. But they come over for each task and check those bags and this one was missing the label. There goes a point. Then I noticed a few minutes later the label on the floor. It must have peeled off when I pulled the haircut bag out. Blow dry just the top middle section and demonstrate 3 curls using a marcel iron. First curl was on base but stuck out so that was gonna be a Figure 6. Second curl was walso sticking out but was half off base. Third curl, well I had the third curl going just fine until I noticed that other hair was getting grabbed by the handle of the iron and I lost control a bit so I stopped trying to curl that one before the hair was burned. So I sectioned out a new curl instead of trying redo that one because you're not supposed to recurl hair right away like that. And this time I made a decent curl and I think I got the Figure 8 in there. And that was that. I raised my hand and let the chips fall.
I had three garbage bags. One marked trash, another marked soiled implements, and another marked soiled linens. About halfway through the test I noticed that I was putting implements into the linens bags and vice versa. I don't know if I'm even supposed to have seperate bags for those two for sure but it had me worried if they knew I was mixing them. I mean maybe towels are considered implements too and perhaps some schools don't even teach three bags. When I did mock board I only used two bags. Implements and trash. So it had me concerned but it was what it was.
Then comes the most scary part of it. I've heard so many stories of how someone didn't put their trash bag in the right spot or touched bags together or somehow not packing up to go home the right way and possibly failing because of it. Some sort of sanitation reason. But my classmates were telling me that they had put all three of their bags back into their Regency duffle bag and didn't fail so that's what I was doing. I put my Implements and linens bags into the duffle bag. And then came the decision. Do I put my trash bag in there? This is critical. They said they did but is it right? Ok I decided to go for it. I tried to squish it in there but the other two bags had too much air. So I took it out and zipped up the duffle and walked out with a duffle bag and a trash bag in hand. But I was Done. I had done the test.
Those who have taken this test and are still yet to take this test may think I'm crazy but I had a blast. I seriously thought that towel on the trash bag doomed me but I was having fun. I had been taught how to do this stuff and had practised it. I was just doing it in a different room in a different place. I had one thought though. "I would love to do this again but it would be nice if I don't have to come back because I failed this one"
My plan was to leave there and drive up to Port Huron and sit by the bridge and then check the website to see the results. I made a stop at McDonalds to get something to drink and use the restroom. When I washed my hands it was as if that half a bottle of hand sanitzer was being washed out of my skin.
As I pulled in at the bridge the ship "American Courage" was passing under. So it was time to check and the website said PASS.
I passed. I ........ really passed?
On 8/9/14 I go for round two. This time I sit in front of a computer and answer 100 multiple choice Theory questions. I scheduled this one for 1 pm. It was the earliest available date and time. But I took it because that gives me a heck of a lot more time to get there. And that will be the date. The date when I can say Licensed. Just gotta do it. :)
Thank you for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
I'm still stunned that it happened. There are always going to be key dates in the history of this journey. Such as these
8/2/2000 - Started Virginia Farrell School
7/22/2013 - Started Regency
6/12/2014 - Graduated Regency
I have two more dates to add. The first being yesterday, 8/4/14. I first want to say that I am thankful that my school, Regency had us do mock State Board tests. I am glad I did mine all 4 times I could. The reality is that those prepared me for the doing. It was always the packing that made me nervous and well scared. But I got that bag packed somehow. So I woke up yesterday morning and I had a 50 minute drive to get there. I left in what I thought was plenty of extra time. I envisioned myself sitting in a parking lot somewhere drinking some coffee waiting to go in. So I drove. And then the first road I wanted to turn to head south was backed up so I kept going west. The next road was closed and both west and south were blocked so I had to turn back north and then head west. And then when I finally turned south it was a road that's supposed to be fast but there's just too many lights so I turned back east to get to a better road. I was trying to get down to the freeway so I could at least get on it. I finally got on and then a few miles later got onto the other freeway to go west again. Then I see an electronic sign saying 17 minutes to get near where I need to be. I didn't have 17 minutes and the freeway was a parking lot so I got off onto Woodward and headed down to 8 Mile and then went west again. Then I made my turn onto Greenfield so I could turn onto Northland Dr. Um No. Northland is closed there so I found myself on 9 Mile heading west trying to find a way back south. I turned south and found myself back on 8 Mile and obviously on the other side of the building and I was at this time probably late and now a bit lost. So I turned back east on 8 Mile and then saw it. A turn lane to get onto Northland Dr and right there was the building. So I parked and headed up to the third floor and right there in front of the elevator sat a group of people with bags that were obviously there for the test. And they said that no one had been checked in yet and that they were told to wait till the people came to get them. So with my heart racing already with the thought that I had already forfeited the test and the money I suddenly had to calm down and breathe before the thing that was supposed to make me nervous began. I had made it. I was going to take the test. It seemed like about 10 minutes before they came for us so I did get to calm down. After 14 years it was going to happen. I had been imagining all along this darker room without windows. I guess my image was like that of a dressing room backstage somewhere. Instead it was a bright white themed room with windows of an office building with blinds. Honestly it was like Virginia Farrell was. They asked to examine our manikin head and hand. And then the tester who did the talking says she will answer questions as long as its not something you should already know in which case she would say do as you have been instructed. So it was time for pre setup and setup for the manicure. I was going along pretty well with my manicure and then I did something dumb. I hadn't started polishing yet and I threw my bag of cotton in the trash. My orangewood sticks didn't have any on them yet. So this meant that I would have to do the best polish job of my life without being able to clean up any polish that got on the skin. I don't know how but with my hands shaking more than they ever have before I put thos 4 coats of base, polish, polish, top coat on with only a tiny bit getting on one finger. And I could do nothing about it. And time was running low. So I raised my hand to signal I was done.
Next was the facial. I don't recall any issues with it. I think I was the first one done. Mrs E taught us well.
Next up was the 3 Part Chemical. You section the manikin in 4 quarters and use 3 of 4 to demonstrate. Here I had my second big scare. I didn't put any gloves in the bag for this. I thought I did. But it hit me that when I packed my bag for the perm wave I put an extra set of gloves in there "just in case". Like maybe one would have a hole or something. So I opened my duffle and got that pair out of the perm bag and zipped em up and used that hand sanitizer. And I had gloves. :)
The first section is Virgin Lightener / Bleach. This is done in the middle of the hair strands only, not the roots or the ends. The second section is Hair Color retouch of just the roots. The third section is a relaxer retouch which is basically the same procedure except you have to put gel or pretend protective gel on the rest of the hair strand because overlapping relaxer onto hair that's already been relaxed is bad. Even if you don't cause the hair to break off its gonna be extremely damaged. When she asked for questions right before this part I asked if we were doing half of each section or the whole sections. She said at least half. I was able to do the whole section for each with time to spare. Again I'm not as slow as I think I am. But doing those 13 heads worth on that last day of class helped.
Next up was shampooing. Gosh that stuff is hard to wash out of hair. I don't know if we're supposed to or not but we were taught that State Board wants the sinks cleaned after you use them. I took my manikin back to the station and then grabbed my disinfectant spray and some paper towels and I went back and cleaned my sink. I don't think anyone else did. But I didn't care. Either I was doing what I was supposed to or I was getting extra credit. I mean even if there aren't points for it maybe it would send the message that I care about sanitation.
Permanent Wave - I bet those who know this journey by now would think this would be a cake walk for me. I can laugh about this now. But I was far from it. My manikin almost went for a plunge out a three story window. Ok first I was trying to drape the manikin. I went to unpack my two towels and one of them fell. Onto my garbage bag which was now no longer hanging from the counter but on the floor leaning against the cabinet with the tape on the door. What do I do? Its now considered a dirty towel isn't it? But I have to towel, cape, towel to protect the client. In my mind it was "Oh well it is what it is" I picked the towel up and set it on the counter. Sanitized my hands. Then put it on the manikin. Protecting the client from a chemical is better than the dirt. Maybe? It fell on the bag but not quite in it. Ok so lets get to doing the thing I know I know how to do. The manikin's hair was not evenly cut. I went to wrap that first rod and couldn't keep the hair from falling out of the paper. Lets just say I probably made at least 3 attempts at each of the 5 rods. And I probably had fish hooks / bent ends. And that first rod had me on the edge of melt down. But I wrapped them somehow. And I took whatever score they were going to give me. I raised my hand and demonstrated squirting the solution on and the test curl.
Haircut - You must cut at least an inch off of all the hair. You must do a 90 degree uniform round layered cut. In other words any strand you grab if you hold it out from its spot it must be the same length as any other strand held out from its spot. So you cut the hair in a stop sign like pattern. After the morning I had had so far there was no way this haircut was gonna scare me. I had this. I was two procedures away from being done. So I got the razor out and the shears and all those extra combs just in case and I started cutting. I want to thank everyone who has let me do this haircut on them so far. Some of you may not even know I did it but I had a lot more practise on it than most in my class. I don't like using the word chop but that's what i did. I chopped away. We had 40 minutes to get it done and when the 20 minute chime came I was in checking mode. I brought a manikin with at least 8 inches of hair. So I didn't have to worry about cutting her too short. Every piece was going to be at least an inch. I did not cut myself. I did not drop a comb. I was probably the first one done because you can hear it when someone grabs the broom and dust pan and I was the first to make the noise. I'm not going to say my haircut was perfect. But I know I cut it all. Including those strands that I had to wrap on perm rods.
Thermal Curls - Each bag for each procedure has to be labeled Pre Sanitized ______ in this case Pre Sanitized Blow Dry & Thermal Curl. I know I wrote out that label. But they come over for each task and check those bags and this one was missing the label. There goes a point. Then I noticed a few minutes later the label on the floor. It must have peeled off when I pulled the haircut bag out. Blow dry just the top middle section and demonstrate 3 curls using a marcel iron. First curl was on base but stuck out so that was gonna be a Figure 6. Second curl was walso sticking out but was half off base. Third curl, well I had the third curl going just fine until I noticed that other hair was getting grabbed by the handle of the iron and I lost control a bit so I stopped trying to curl that one before the hair was burned. So I sectioned out a new curl instead of trying redo that one because you're not supposed to recurl hair right away like that. And this time I made a decent curl and I think I got the Figure 8 in there. And that was that. I raised my hand and let the chips fall.
I had three garbage bags. One marked trash, another marked soiled implements, and another marked soiled linens. About halfway through the test I noticed that I was putting implements into the linens bags and vice versa. I don't know if I'm even supposed to have seperate bags for those two for sure but it had me worried if they knew I was mixing them. I mean maybe towels are considered implements too and perhaps some schools don't even teach three bags. When I did mock board I only used two bags. Implements and trash. So it had me concerned but it was what it was.
Then comes the most scary part of it. I've heard so many stories of how someone didn't put their trash bag in the right spot or touched bags together or somehow not packing up to go home the right way and possibly failing because of it. Some sort of sanitation reason. But my classmates were telling me that they had put all three of their bags back into their Regency duffle bag and didn't fail so that's what I was doing. I put my Implements and linens bags into the duffle bag. And then came the decision. Do I put my trash bag in there? This is critical. They said they did but is it right? Ok I decided to go for it. I tried to squish it in there but the other two bags had too much air. So I took it out and zipped up the duffle and walked out with a duffle bag and a trash bag in hand. But I was Done. I had done the test.
Those who have taken this test and are still yet to take this test may think I'm crazy but I had a blast. I seriously thought that towel on the trash bag doomed me but I was having fun. I had been taught how to do this stuff and had practised it. I was just doing it in a different room in a different place. I had one thought though. "I would love to do this again but it would be nice if I don't have to come back because I failed this one"
My plan was to leave there and drive up to Port Huron and sit by the bridge and then check the website to see the results. I made a stop at McDonalds to get something to drink and use the restroom. When I washed my hands it was as if that half a bottle of hand sanitzer was being washed out of my skin.
As I pulled in at the bridge the ship "American Courage" was passing under. So it was time to check and the website said PASS.
I passed. I ........ really passed?
On 8/9/14 I go for round two. This time I sit in front of a computer and answer 100 multiple choice Theory questions. I scheduled this one for 1 pm. It was the earliest available date and time. But I took it because that gives me a heck of a lot more time to get there. And that will be the date. The date when I can say Licensed. Just gotta do it. :)
Thank you for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Quick Update - State Board Part One Coming
Quick Update - State Board Part One Coming
I haven't mentioned on here yet that I did graduate and get my diploma. I have my State Board Practical test this coming Monday the 4th. Its only the first half. If I pass it I can come back for the computer quiz on Theory. So right now I'm in the "Gotta pack and get ready" phase.
I haven't mentioned on here yet that I did graduate and get my diploma. I have my State Board Practical test this coming Monday the 4th. Its only the first half. If I pass it I can come back for the computer quiz on Theory. So right now I'm in the "Gotta pack and get ready" phase.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Day 217 ~ Finished But Not Done ~ 6/19/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 217 ~ Finished But Not Done ~ 6/19/14
1500.06 Hours
121 Guests
Last thursday I went to school and clocked 5.34 hours. Which means I clocked out about 2:50. And thankfully I figured the math out correctly enough so that it did say 1500.06 and not before 1500.
You just never realize what impact you have on people. There were positive things that happened with my clock out that I wasn't expecting. Some I was hoping for. Students from the other group came rushing from the floor to the hallway to not miss it. I wish I could do the same for them.
On Friday I went back to do some celebrating but not for my diploma yet. I plan to go get that tomorrow morning. Then I need to get the State Board test done ASAP. This waiting around is not going to be good for me. Unless I make good use of the off time. Its like a repeat of last summer. I have this off time to do things with and try to prepare myself for the unknown. Which I am faced with again. Something came up and I won't be going to work where I thought I was. So I'm kinda in the position I already expected to be. I'm a 38 year old fresh graduate who doesn't know everything. Yet I have been so focused on building a full guest list (clientele) that now I'm in this limbo area. I need a chair. If I go to a salon and assist or shampoo people only I'm not going to be able to take care of those who came to see me. At the same time I need a place that doesn't have high prices or that lets me make my own because I just don't see myself charging high prices. And if the prices are high I won't be able to promote myself to get walk ins. I know its foolish of me to think I can call the shots but I am stubborn. I didn't come this far to settle for a paycheck. I am selfish. I have found that out about myself. But what I have realized is I am selfish about how I want to do things for other people. I believe in the way I do things. I think my ways are worth a try. And I'd rather fail trying them. Or better yet succeed. Or at least be happy trying. I keep seeing the quote about keep your passion or you're just cutting hair. That being said I know that many carrots will be dangled before me. I may even see some more silver platters. But I'm doing my best to maintain my patience.
My real issue with this is Location. I need a location that is still central for my guests to be able to come to. Those who want to follow me.
Was going to write more but for now................
1500.06 Hours
121 Guests
Last thursday I went to school and clocked 5.34 hours. Which means I clocked out about 2:50. And thankfully I figured the math out correctly enough so that it did say 1500.06 and not before 1500.
You just never realize what impact you have on people. There were positive things that happened with my clock out that I wasn't expecting. Some I was hoping for. Students from the other group came rushing from the floor to the hallway to not miss it. I wish I could do the same for them.
On Friday I went back to do some celebrating but not for my diploma yet. I plan to go get that tomorrow morning. Then I need to get the State Board test done ASAP. This waiting around is not going to be good for me. Unless I make good use of the off time. Its like a repeat of last summer. I have this off time to do things with and try to prepare myself for the unknown. Which I am faced with again. Something came up and I won't be going to work where I thought I was. So I'm kinda in the position I already expected to be. I'm a 38 year old fresh graduate who doesn't know everything. Yet I have been so focused on building a full guest list (clientele) that now I'm in this limbo area. I need a chair. If I go to a salon and assist or shampoo people only I'm not going to be able to take care of those who came to see me. At the same time I need a place that doesn't have high prices or that lets me make my own because I just don't see myself charging high prices. And if the prices are high I won't be able to promote myself to get walk ins. I know its foolish of me to think I can call the shots but I am stubborn. I didn't come this far to settle for a paycheck. I am selfish. I have found that out about myself. But what I have realized is I am selfish about how I want to do things for other people. I believe in the way I do things. I think my ways are worth a try. And I'd rather fail trying them. Or better yet succeed. Or at least be happy trying. I keep seeing the quote about keep your passion or you're just cutting hair. That being said I know that many carrots will be dangled before me. I may even see some more silver platters. But I'm doing my best to maintain my patience.
My real issue with this is Location. I need a location that is still central for my guests to be able to come to. Those who want to follow me.
Was going to write more but for now................
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Day 216 ~ One More Day ~ 6/11/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 216 ~ One More Day ~ 6/11/14
1494 Hours of 1500
121 Guests
This one is a bit hard to write. Its the last one before the other side. This journal now has 190+ entries. Guess I had things to say.
I'm sitting here trying to put together playlists of songs that will play on my phone from Youtube. I never did learn any of the dances they were doing on Fridays or Saturdays. Reality is that there hasn't been as much dancing over the past sevral months as there was the first few. So I kinda let it go to the back burner. They just aren't my dances anyway. The music on the other hand is something I have held onto. It got me through. So anyway that's my project right now.
Unless the computer tells me differently my practicals are now done. So I will go to school tomorrow and just participate in the classroom day until the 5+ hours passes and its time to put my finger on the computer clock out pad one last time. People ask me if I'm excited. Its hard to know really. I have this quiet calm going. Much like I had throughout this past year while waiting for a guest to arrive whether a request or a walk in. I'd like to say that I'll be excited when I do clock out. But I know me too well. My friends will see a 38 year old man cry. And I won't be ashamed. I might sing. I might clap. But I'll be happy. I'll be relieved. But its just a beginning. I don't know what the other schools would have been like. I didn't tour them. On June 27th of last year I opened a door with the name Regency on it. Upon walking in I saw this nice modern shelf with salon name brand products on it. I saw a very nice reception desk with some nice students behind it who did their job well. I heard music playing. And I sat there in the lobby just listening to what was going on in there. The salon floor area was on the other side of a regular sized wall. But the ceiling was higher up. I wondered what it would be like to be there after the 350 hour mark I was once again faced with to do services for the public. Then Mrs S greeted me and gave me my tour. And I knew. The tools were there for me. I just had to use them. I was going to learn. I was still scared of not learning. But I was going to.
I did. More than I thought I would. More than I thought I could. And I'll never stop learning......nor teaching. No matter what my job title is I will always share what I learn. I can still feel that hunger inside of me everytime I get the chance to explain something. So lets see where the train goes from here ~~~~~~
Thank you for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1494 Hours of 1500
121 Guests
This one is a bit hard to write. Its the last one before the other side. This journal now has 190+ entries. Guess I had things to say.
I'm sitting here trying to put together playlists of songs that will play on my phone from Youtube. I never did learn any of the dances they were doing on Fridays or Saturdays. Reality is that there hasn't been as much dancing over the past sevral months as there was the first few. So I kinda let it go to the back burner. They just aren't my dances anyway. The music on the other hand is something I have held onto. It got me through. So anyway that's my project right now.
Unless the computer tells me differently my practicals are now done. So I will go to school tomorrow and just participate in the classroom day until the 5+ hours passes and its time to put my finger on the computer clock out pad one last time. People ask me if I'm excited. Its hard to know really. I have this quiet calm going. Much like I had throughout this past year while waiting for a guest to arrive whether a request or a walk in. I'd like to say that I'll be excited when I do clock out. But I know me too well. My friends will see a 38 year old man cry. And I won't be ashamed. I might sing. I might clap. But I'll be happy. I'll be relieved. But its just a beginning. I don't know what the other schools would have been like. I didn't tour them. On June 27th of last year I opened a door with the name Regency on it. Upon walking in I saw this nice modern shelf with salon name brand products on it. I saw a very nice reception desk with some nice students behind it who did their job well. I heard music playing. And I sat there in the lobby just listening to what was going on in there. The salon floor area was on the other side of a regular sized wall. But the ceiling was higher up. I wondered what it would be like to be there after the 350 hour mark I was once again faced with to do services for the public. Then Mrs S greeted me and gave me my tour. And I knew. The tools were there for me. I just had to use them. I was going to learn. I was still scared of not learning. But I was going to.
I did. More than I thought I would. More than I thought I could. And I'll never stop learning......nor teaching. No matter what my job title is I will always share what I learn. I can still feel that hunger inside of me everytime I get the chance to explain something. So lets see where the train goes from here ~~~~~~
Thank you for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Day 215 ~ Head'ing Towards The Finish ~ 6/10/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 215 ~ Head'ing Towards The Finish ~ 6/10/14
1487 Hours of 1500
121 Guests
This morning when I checked the computer it said I had just over 1480 hours. That leaves under 20. At 7 hours per day that means I'll probably clock out on Thursday around 3:30. Then I plan to come back on the 20th in the morning for my celebration. Hoping that works out.
Unless something happens tomorrow to change it I had my last two guests on Friday. The last being Mrs D. I've officially passed the box of rollers. I gave it to her per her request so that she'll always have the right ones. She also gave me another gift.
These last three days presented me with a to do list. First I had to take my final multiple choice exam. I got 48 right out of 50 questions for 96%
The rest of the list consists of the three remaining categories of practical work. This morning I had 18 Hairstyling electives, 3 Hair color electives, and 10 Chemical electives remaining. I came prepared. I brought several manikin heads with me. At the end of the day I had done 3 color retouches and 10 relaxer retouches. This week is the repeat of the relaxer chapter so the rest of the class was doing timed applications. Before lunch I did the 3 colors and 2 relaxers. After lunch I started pushing myself to meet the times that they were being told. So I ended up doing the other 10 after lunch. Tomorrow I'll wash and blow dry them all to get some hairstyling credits. With thursday still to come for any leftovers I need to finish.
I'm trying to think of something else to say. Its starting to hit me that I'm only going to walk those hallways a few more times. I'll only wear my apron a few more times. Then its going in a poster / picture frame. So many of the unknowns I was to be facing afte graduation seem to have presented themselves before then. There are things I want to shout out with joy that I am holding back. Some people know them. But most don't. I'm managing not to spill it.
I'm planning to write again tomorrow to at least report my progress.
Until then.....
Thank you for reading
I Love you all <3
~ No Tangles ~
1487 Hours of 1500
121 Guests
This morning when I checked the computer it said I had just over 1480 hours. That leaves under 20. At 7 hours per day that means I'll probably clock out on Thursday around 3:30. Then I plan to come back on the 20th in the morning for my celebration. Hoping that works out.
Unless something happens tomorrow to change it I had my last two guests on Friday. The last being Mrs D. I've officially passed the box of rollers. I gave it to her per her request so that she'll always have the right ones. She also gave me another gift.
These last three days presented me with a to do list. First I had to take my final multiple choice exam. I got 48 right out of 50 questions for 96%
The rest of the list consists of the three remaining categories of practical work. This morning I had 18 Hairstyling electives, 3 Hair color electives, and 10 Chemical electives remaining. I came prepared. I brought several manikin heads with me. At the end of the day I had done 3 color retouches and 10 relaxer retouches. This week is the repeat of the relaxer chapter so the rest of the class was doing timed applications. Before lunch I did the 3 colors and 2 relaxers. After lunch I started pushing myself to meet the times that they were being told. So I ended up doing the other 10 after lunch. Tomorrow I'll wash and blow dry them all to get some hairstyling credits. With thursday still to come for any leftovers I need to finish.
I'm trying to think of something else to say. Its starting to hit me that I'm only going to walk those hallways a few more times. I'll only wear my apron a few more times. Then its going in a poster / picture frame. So many of the unknowns I was to be facing afte graduation seem to have presented themselves before then. There are things I want to shout out with joy that I am holding back. Some people know them. But most don't. I'm managing not to spill it.
I'm planning to write again tomorrow to at least report my progress.
Until then.....
Thank you for reading
I Love you all <3
~ No Tangles ~
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Day 211 ~ Reforming Curls ~ 6/4/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 211 ~ Reforming Curls ~ 6/4/14
1467 Hours
119 Guests
Just a quick update. Yesterday was my 4th Regency Mock / Pretend State Board test. It consists of manikin work. First a manicure, then a facial. Then you section in 4 and do a different chemical application technique in 3 of the 4 sections. Then you demonstrate 5 perm rods and applying solution. Then we pretend to cut a round layered haircut (at the real test you cut it) and then we blow dry just the top and do three Marcel iron curls. I got my best score yet and got 99%. I don't know what I got marked down for though.
Today I had a return guest from months ago. I was requested. Back then I did just the perm rods rolling of a curl reformation aka Jheri Curl. This time I ran the whole show. First using a Thio relaxing chemical I relaxed her new growth. This was my first time ever applying a relaxer of any type on a person. Then I rinsed and section by section applied the cream like perming / waving lotion and wrapped the perm on thin pink rods. The only part I had help with was when it said on the bottle to rinse while removing rods I asked for someone to remove while I rinsed. And it turned out nice again.
33 hours left. Less than a week. Did I really type that?
Thanks for reading
I love you all <3
~ No Tangles ~
1467 Hours
119 Guests
Just a quick update. Yesterday was my 4th Regency Mock / Pretend State Board test. It consists of manikin work. First a manicure, then a facial. Then you section in 4 and do a different chemical application technique in 3 of the 4 sections. Then you demonstrate 5 perm rods and applying solution. Then we pretend to cut a round layered haircut (at the real test you cut it) and then we blow dry just the top and do three Marcel iron curls. I got my best score yet and got 99%. I don't know what I got marked down for though.
Today I had a return guest from months ago. I was requested. Back then I did just the perm rods rolling of a curl reformation aka Jheri Curl. This time I ran the whole show. First using a Thio relaxing chemical I relaxed her new growth. This was my first time ever applying a relaxer of any type on a person. Then I rinsed and section by section applied the cream like perming / waving lotion and wrapped the perm on thin pink rods. The only part I had help with was when it said on the bottle to rinse while removing rods I asked for someone to remove while I rinsed. And it turned out nice again.
33 hours left. Less than a week. Did I really type that?
Thanks for reading
I love you all <3
~ No Tangles ~
Monday, June 2, 2014
Day 209 ~ The Streak Ends At 2 Months ~ 6/2/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 209 ~ The Streak Ends At 2 Months ~ 6/2/14
1453 Hours
118 Guests
Last I wrote it was last Tuesday so its been 5 school days since. Another 35 hours done.
I mentioned the streak ending. From April 2nd to today June 2nd the only guests that I had at school were those who came as requests. I'd like to thank anyone who was a part of that. So how did it end? I originally had two people scheduled for today but my afternoon had to cancel. So after I came back from lunch today I set up a manikin to try to knock out some practicals. As I was going past the desk to the hallway I noticed that there were some ladies walking in. So I set up and as I did I saw that the instructor was trying to figure out who was available and who hadn't had anyone yet. So I spoke up and said I was available if needed. The students who were there with me will know how things really were and it was a bit of a let down with the Mom not being happy about some of the ways we do pedicures and nails. But I got to give a nice young adult lady with special needs a pedicure and she seemed to really have a good time so that's what I'm taking from today's experience with that.
I was in too good of a mood to let any of it get me down. This morning my request guest was a lady who came in December. I paid for her haircut back then because her family had just been through a house fire with total loss of property. I wanted to do something to make her feel good with all that stuff on her mind. So today she returned and her hair had grown out but she liked how it had grown out so not only was she really happy with her angled wedge bob last time but it didn't annoy her at all growing out. Last time Mrs E helped me cut the hair. This time I ran the whole show. And again my guest was delighted. I'm so glad I have her as a guest cuz she's a lot of fun. I always tell people I'm not scissor happy but the truth is I like to cut hair. It is fun. I just prefer to do it when the guest wants me to cut it and I get to try new cuts. I like cutting hair when its going to make them happy. Because whether its a few tips of hair of dust on the ground or a few piles of large curls its only fun when they want it that way. But I do love that I have had the chance to see so many satisfied faces that I got to enjoy time with.
Tomorrow is the last pretend / Mock State Board test at school. Next time I take it after tomorrow its going to be for the marbles.....
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1453 Hours
118 Guests
Last I wrote it was last Tuesday so its been 5 school days since. Another 35 hours done.
I mentioned the streak ending. From April 2nd to today June 2nd the only guests that I had at school were those who came as requests. I'd like to thank anyone who was a part of that. So how did it end? I originally had two people scheduled for today but my afternoon had to cancel. So after I came back from lunch today I set up a manikin to try to knock out some practicals. As I was going past the desk to the hallway I noticed that there were some ladies walking in. So I set up and as I did I saw that the instructor was trying to figure out who was available and who hadn't had anyone yet. So I spoke up and said I was available if needed. The students who were there with me will know how things really were and it was a bit of a let down with the Mom not being happy about some of the ways we do pedicures and nails. But I got to give a nice young adult lady with special needs a pedicure and she seemed to really have a good time so that's what I'm taking from today's experience with that.
I was in too good of a mood to let any of it get me down. This morning my request guest was a lady who came in December. I paid for her haircut back then because her family had just been through a house fire with total loss of property. I wanted to do something to make her feel good with all that stuff on her mind. So today she returned and her hair had grown out but she liked how it had grown out so not only was she really happy with her angled wedge bob last time but it didn't annoy her at all growing out. Last time Mrs E helped me cut the hair. This time I ran the whole show. And again my guest was delighted. I'm so glad I have her as a guest cuz she's a lot of fun. I always tell people I'm not scissor happy but the truth is I like to cut hair. It is fun. I just prefer to do it when the guest wants me to cut it and I get to try new cuts. I like cutting hair when its going to make them happy. Because whether its a few tips of hair of dust on the ground or a few piles of large curls its only fun when they want it that way. But I do love that I have had the chance to see so many satisfied faces that I got to enjoy time with.
Tomorrow is the last pretend / Mock State Board test at school. Next time I take it after tomorrow its going to be for the marbles.....
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Day 204 ~ 82 Hours Left ~ 5/27/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 204 ~ 82 Hours Left ~ 5/27/14
1418 Hours
111 Guests
Just over a fortnight left. Hard not to countdown now. Accroding to my progress report I have 301 Hairstyling credits out of the 330 needed. I have all categories filled so now everything counts as an elective. I have 75 of 80 Hair coloring complete. And I have 68 of 80 Perms / Relaxers. I also have a mock state board to take which will give me several of those. So I will graduate on time as long as I'm there. On time meaning when I want to. When I am aiming for. So the earliest clock out date will be on the 12th of June. With a celebration to be had at the school on either the 20th or a later friday.
This is probably going to be one of the best gifts I will ever receive. Its a mirror that Mrs D gave me because she knew I like purple. Everytime I use this mirror I'm going to remember everytime I handed one including this one to her.
Thank you for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1418 Hours
111 Guests
Just over a fortnight left. Hard not to countdown now. Accroding to my progress report I have 301 Hairstyling credits out of the 330 needed. I have all categories filled so now everything counts as an elective. I have 75 of 80 Hair coloring complete. And I have 68 of 80 Perms / Relaxers. I also have a mock state board to take which will give me several of those. So I will graduate on time as long as I'm there. On time meaning when I want to. When I am aiming for. So the earliest clock out date will be on the 12th of June. With a celebration to be had at the school on either the 20th or a later friday.
This is probably going to be one of the best gifts I will ever receive. Its a mirror that Mrs D gave me because she knew I like purple. Everytime I use this mirror I'm going to remember everytime I handed one including this one to her.
Thank you for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Day 202 ~ The Final Countdown, Under 100 Hours Left ~ 5/22/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 202 ~ The Final Countdown, Under 100 Hours Left ~ 5/22/14
1404 Hours
109 Guests
It has been a week since I updated but it has been a great week. I had several new people come to see me. I did several practicals on manikins. I did my second Salon project and presented it today. I retook the quiz for Business Building 2 because Mrs C asked me to go ahead and refresh myself to see if I still knew it. I got 100 % last time and again this time. I finished all 75 of the haircutting credits and the rest of Skin credits. That leaves me with Perms / Relaxers, a few more Colors, and then a bunch of Hairstylings to do. But they're gonna fill up fast now.
So I'm just trying to keep myself booked. Its really what I must do one way or another.
Thank You for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1404 Hours
109 Guests
It has been a week since I updated but it has been a great week. I had several new people come to see me. I did several practicals on manikins. I did my second Salon project and presented it today. I retook the quiz for Business Building 2 because Mrs C asked me to go ahead and refresh myself to see if I still knew it. I got 100 % last time and again this time. I finished all 75 of the haircutting credits and the rest of Skin credits. That leaves me with Perms / Relaxers, a few more Colors, and then a bunch of Hairstylings to do. But they're gonna fill up fast now.
So I'm just trying to keep myself booked. Its really what I must do one way or another.
Thank You for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Day 195 ~ This One Has Pictures ~ 5/14/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 195 ~ This One Has Pictures ~ 5/14/14
1355 Hours
103 Guests
Performance Floor Wednesday: Its been a while since I've done an entry for a single day but today was worthy. Originial plans for the day were changed but I was planning ahead to fill some time by bringing some manikins. Good thing I did. Since I'm over 1300 hours I can now decide for myself what to work on. I decided that I needed to knock out a few haircuts since I only have a handful left. I brought 5 manikins with me that were meant to be practised on. Of those I did cuts on 4 of them. So I'm going to post their befores if I have some and then what I did today.
First up was this manikin I got from a student who gave me a bunch of her manikins when she graduated. She was wearing what appeared to be a round layered cut. I decided to give her an angled bob of some sort. But I didn't want to go too high up with graduating it so I cut the guide right at the bottom of the nape hairline in back. And then I basically overdirected all the hair to that spot and kept snipping it right there including the hair from the sides. As it turns out there was a bit of a hole as we say by the left ear which can happen when cutting the round layers so that spot was already too short to reach back to my guide. But the imaginary line should continue to the front.
Next up I had Penny / Penelope that came with my Regency kit. This was the shorter haired one of the two I have and the one I did the copper front hair in workshop. I think I may have let someone borrow her for a haircut because her hair was fairly short in the back and it seemed shorter than the last time I cut her for the Rehearsal Rubric. But in any case It looked like she had a long flattened out mullet in back that was reaching at least halfway down the neck. It was like she slept on it. So I basically just trimmed her up to the nape for a more rounded line. First is a before from a while back. Then from today after.

Next up we have both of the Lori twins. First is the one that had what Virginia Farrell's book called a Bias Flair cut. I basically made a short version of the same cut but my line was using the corner of the eye to the bottom of the ear and going back to a sharp point in back. Which does not look as sharp when dry but it was like a V when wet. Again a Before and then today's afters.
And now for other Lori. Last time I cut her hair I cut the nape trying to do shear over comb and snipped a bit too much in one spot. So my intent today at first was to simply cut the nape shorter this time to blend it. But then I got a bit obseesed with trying to get the upper hair to taper more and blend into that shorter area without the mushroom look. Well I almost got it where I wanted it by the time we had to stop. But I also took it a bit higher than I meant to. So she now has a very extremely high line back there. I did not get to finish the sides so there's a bit of trimming to do there. So before and after and this will do for today. I guess it doesn't look as extreme as I thought. It does just about line up with the chin line. She basically has the opposite cut as her sister.
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1355 Hours
103 Guests
Performance Floor Wednesday: Its been a while since I've done an entry for a single day but today was worthy. Originial plans for the day were changed but I was planning ahead to fill some time by bringing some manikins. Good thing I did. Since I'm over 1300 hours I can now decide for myself what to work on. I decided that I needed to knock out a few haircuts since I only have a handful left. I brought 5 manikins with me that were meant to be practised on. Of those I did cuts on 4 of them. So I'm going to post their befores if I have some and then what I did today.
First up was this manikin I got from a student who gave me a bunch of her manikins when she graduated. She was wearing what appeared to be a round layered cut. I decided to give her an angled bob of some sort. But I didn't want to go too high up with graduating it so I cut the guide right at the bottom of the nape hairline in back. And then I basically overdirected all the hair to that spot and kept snipping it right there including the hair from the sides. As it turns out there was a bit of a hole as we say by the left ear which can happen when cutting the round layers so that spot was already too short to reach back to my guide. But the imaginary line should continue to the front.
Next up I had Penny / Penelope that came with my Regency kit. This was the shorter haired one of the two I have and the one I did the copper front hair in workshop. I think I may have let someone borrow her for a haircut because her hair was fairly short in the back and it seemed shorter than the last time I cut her for the Rehearsal Rubric. But in any case It looked like she had a long flattened out mullet in back that was reaching at least halfway down the neck. It was like she slept on it. So I basically just trimmed her up to the nape for a more rounded line. First is a before from a while back. Then from today after.

Next up we have both of the Lori twins. First is the one that had what Virginia Farrell's book called a Bias Flair cut. I basically made a short version of the same cut but my line was using the corner of the eye to the bottom of the ear and going back to a sharp point in back. Which does not look as sharp when dry but it was like a V when wet. Again a Before and then today's afters.
And now for other Lori. Last time I cut her hair I cut the nape trying to do shear over comb and snipped a bit too much in one spot. So my intent today at first was to simply cut the nape shorter this time to blend it. But then I got a bit obseesed with trying to get the upper hair to taper more and blend into that shorter area without the mushroom look. Well I almost got it where I wanted it by the time we had to stop. But I also took it a bit higher than I meant to. So she now has a very extremely high line back there. I did not get to finish the sides so there's a bit of trimming to do there. So before and after and this will do for today. I guess it doesn't look as extreme as I thought. It does just about line up with the chin line. She basically has the opposite cut as her sister.
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Day 192, 193, 194 ~ 30 Days Left ~ 5/13/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 192, 193, 194 ~ 30 Days Left ~ 5/13/14
1348 Hours
103 Guests
Thursday was Quiz day. My last quiz. I got 95 % or 19 of 20. It was the quiz on wigs and hair additions. So I made it through every quiz without failing any. If I recall correctly I only had one with 80% so the rest were 85 or higher. This leaves just my Final to take before graduation. All rubric / practical on model tests are done and passed. There's one more Mock / Practise State Board coming up in June before I clock my last hour. This will be my 4th Mock. And then there will be the real thing when I attempt to get my license. So I just have to finish my credits. And get through these next few weeks of repeating subjects.
Friday: My morning guest had to cancel so I once again volunteered to be on desk at least until Mrs D came for her roller set. In a few weeks I'll be walking her to her car for the last time. I'm very grateful that I was able to have her as a regular.
Tuesday: I started my first repeat subject today. Business Building Part 2. And as it turns out I have Mrs C for it this time as well. Last time Ashlee and I were partners and we did a large salon and spa with lots of goodies. But this time I'll be going at it alone. Main reason being that this time I have to do this for real and figure out if I can even do chair rental anywhere. Its not quite as easy as having a rent to pay and naming my own prices. I have to have insurance, make sure I pay taxes, have products for using. I know me too well. I have to be careful. I have a $20,000 loan that I have to start paying back around December. That alone is going to take about $200 per month away from me. I want so badly to take the challenge and show it who I am. I can't let money run my life. I have more important things to do. I'd rather go broke trying something I feel is a better fit than make a ton of money somewhere that's not what I meant to be it when I went back to school. Doubting myself has to go. Its been almost a year since I said I was tired of being afraid. I'm not going to start being afraid again. I'm done with fear. I think back to my quote about the only hurdles that matter are the ones you want to jump. I couldn't get over that first hurdle in Jr High. Then I did and couldn't keep enough speed to get over the second. But I got over that first one and that's what I wanted. Well this time I'm about to finally get over the first hurdle. Then I'm going for that second and so on......
Positive Train Forward ---------->
We had guest speakers from Regis / BoRics / Mastercuts today for doing some updo demos. First they did a few on manikins and then asked for volunteers. I gladly volunteered. This was the result. Two rope braids pined into a circle.
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1348 Hours
103 Guests
Thursday was Quiz day. My last quiz. I got 95 % or 19 of 20. It was the quiz on wigs and hair additions. So I made it through every quiz without failing any. If I recall correctly I only had one with 80% so the rest were 85 or higher. This leaves just my Final to take before graduation. All rubric / practical on model tests are done and passed. There's one more Mock / Practise State Board coming up in June before I clock my last hour. This will be my 4th Mock. And then there will be the real thing when I attempt to get my license. So I just have to finish my credits. And get through these next few weeks of repeating subjects.
Friday: My morning guest had to cancel so I once again volunteered to be on desk at least until Mrs D came for her roller set. In a few weeks I'll be walking her to her car for the last time. I'm very grateful that I was able to have her as a regular.
Tuesday: I started my first repeat subject today. Business Building Part 2. And as it turns out I have Mrs C for it this time as well. Last time Ashlee and I were partners and we did a large salon and spa with lots of goodies. But this time I'll be going at it alone. Main reason being that this time I have to do this for real and figure out if I can even do chair rental anywhere. Its not quite as easy as having a rent to pay and naming my own prices. I have to have insurance, make sure I pay taxes, have products for using. I know me too well. I have to be careful. I have a $20,000 loan that I have to start paying back around December. That alone is going to take about $200 per month away from me. I want so badly to take the challenge and show it who I am. I can't let money run my life. I have more important things to do. I'd rather go broke trying something I feel is a better fit than make a ton of money somewhere that's not what I meant to be it when I went back to school. Doubting myself has to go. Its been almost a year since I said I was tired of being afraid. I'm not going to start being afraid again. I'm done with fear. I think back to my quote about the only hurdles that matter are the ones you want to jump. I couldn't get over that first hurdle in Jr High. Then I did and couldn't keep enough speed to get over the second. But I got over that first one and that's what I wanted. Well this time I'm about to finally get over the first hurdle. Then I'm going for that second and so on......
Positive Train Forward ---------->
We had guest speakers from Regis / BoRics / Mastercuts today for doing some updo demos. First they did a few on manikins and then asked for volunteers. I gladly volunteered. This was the result. Two rope braids pined into a circle.
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Day 189, 190, 191 ~ Getting Good Reception ~ 5/7/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 189, 190, 191 ~ Getting Good Reception ~ 5/7/14
1327 Hours
102 Guests
Monday: I brought my friend that I did the purple haircolor for the rubric test to the school so she could get a facial. I was going to do a few more things for her but my Friday guest needed us to try and get the red out that was showing after we tried to lighten her dark color to a light brown. It was once again a learning experience.
Tuesday: Day 3 of Wigs and Additions. We did some theory review on the history of wigs to start the day. Then after first break we had to do some sort of braid or updo or something related to the chapter. I decided to do some sort of braiding. I got my longer haired manikin from the car and started making a crown braid since I only have a tiny bit of experience with it. But after I got around back to the beginning I still have a long tail of hair that I didn't want leftover so I just started braiding a little lower from the first braid and continued the coil around again. But instead of taking it over her face when I got to the other side I reversed and started braiding lower again and kept going back and forth until I reached the nape and only had the length left to braid and finished that off. Then I brought that up and pinned it in place. Then I was wearing a clip in flower so I used it for the topper.
Here's some pictures from my phone and some newer from my camera.
After lunch we were free to do personal services or manikin work. I decided to try getting as many perm wraps as I could done. So I got Debra set up and sectioned and I did a white rod perm in 40.5 minutes. I set the timer for 40 minutes because that's what was left before break. I was starting the last strand when it buzzed. After break I set her up again and set the timer for 40 minutes to try to beat it. This time I was about 20 seconds faster but just barely past the buzzer. This left me with less than 40 minutes left to remove the rods and try again so I opted for a third using the larger Orchid / Purple rods. And I got it done with plenty of time left. So in the time it used to take me to do 1 perm I did 3. And I wasn't as fatigued as I used to be when timing myself. I was just looking back at my entries from February during the perm chapter and I timed myself with the orchid rods but I don't see a timing for the white rods. But in any case 45 minutes was always the time to beat for the rubric test. Which I ended up doing a spiral perm for anyway. But when i last timed myself at home months ago I had just barely met the 45 minute time so I've managed to get another 4-5 minutes off of it and could probably get a few more. So I had a good day yesterday.
Wednesday / Today: I had my Salon Fair model and another friend scheduled today but both had to postpone so I tried to scramble a bit this morning to get some replacements but ran short of time to make it happen. When I got to school I started trying to clean some of my items and then it was roll call time. I then went to the desk to let them know I had my two cancellations. That's when I noticed Mrs J was trying to help the newer student that just came from Workshop learn the computer and I offered to help out. So I worked the desk with her all day help teach her and learned a few things myself. Acording to the calendar for May I'm not scheduled for desk or dispense so this may have been my last time behind ithe desk. But it was nice being the more senior student this time. It may not have been the day I had made plans for but it was a good addition to the Positive Train and I'll gladly take it. It was a Great Day At Regency with Robert Speaking......
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1327 Hours
102 Guests
Monday: I brought my friend that I did the purple haircolor for the rubric test to the school so she could get a facial. I was going to do a few more things for her but my Friday guest needed us to try and get the red out that was showing after we tried to lighten her dark color to a light brown. It was once again a learning experience.
Tuesday: Day 3 of Wigs and Additions. We did some theory review on the history of wigs to start the day. Then after first break we had to do some sort of braid or updo or something related to the chapter. I decided to do some sort of braiding. I got my longer haired manikin from the car and started making a crown braid since I only have a tiny bit of experience with it. But after I got around back to the beginning I still have a long tail of hair that I didn't want leftover so I just started braiding a little lower from the first braid and continued the coil around again. But instead of taking it over her face when I got to the other side I reversed and started braiding lower again and kept going back and forth until I reached the nape and only had the length left to braid and finished that off. Then I brought that up and pinned it in place. Then I was wearing a clip in flower so I used it for the topper.
Here's some pictures from my phone and some newer from my camera.
After lunch we were free to do personal services or manikin work. I decided to try getting as many perm wraps as I could done. So I got Debra set up and sectioned and I did a white rod perm in 40.5 minutes. I set the timer for 40 minutes because that's what was left before break. I was starting the last strand when it buzzed. After break I set her up again and set the timer for 40 minutes to try to beat it. This time I was about 20 seconds faster but just barely past the buzzer. This left me with less than 40 minutes left to remove the rods and try again so I opted for a third using the larger Orchid / Purple rods. And I got it done with plenty of time left. So in the time it used to take me to do 1 perm I did 3. And I wasn't as fatigued as I used to be when timing myself. I was just looking back at my entries from February during the perm chapter and I timed myself with the orchid rods but I don't see a timing for the white rods. But in any case 45 minutes was always the time to beat for the rubric test. Which I ended up doing a spiral perm for anyway. But when i last timed myself at home months ago I had just barely met the 45 minute time so I've managed to get another 4-5 minutes off of it and could probably get a few more. So I had a good day yesterday.
Wednesday / Today: I had my Salon Fair model and another friend scheduled today but both had to postpone so I tried to scramble a bit this morning to get some replacements but ran short of time to make it happen. When I got to school I started trying to clean some of my items and then it was roll call time. I then went to the desk to let them know I had my two cancellations. That's when I noticed Mrs J was trying to help the newer student that just came from Workshop learn the computer and I offered to help out. So I worked the desk with her all day help teach her and learned a few things myself. Acording to the calendar for May I'm not scheduled for desk or dispense so this may have been my last time behind ithe desk. But it was nice being the more senior student this time. It may not have been the day I had made plans for but it was a good addition to the Positive Train and I'll gladly take it. It was a Great Day At Regency with Robert Speaking......
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Day 187, 188 ~ 1300 Hrs & 100 Guests~ 5/3/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 187, 188 ~ 1300 Hrs & 100 Guests~ 5/3/14
1307 Hours
100 Guests
A few personal milestones. 1300 hours out of 1500 reached. This means I no longer have to do the assignment given to the others when on the floor. I can instead choose from a list of things and do as many of those as I can get done in a day. Although the fact that I've been lucky enough to be fully booked for 3 weeks straight with a 4th already booked means I haven't been thinking about the manikins too much. From here on out filling the chair with someone who wants to be in it is the mission. And doing my mission of caring for them and about them and listening to them and what they want. It doesn't mean I can give it to them. But I will at least listen and not be mean about saying no. Nor will I try to force my own ideas upon them.
The other milestone is the 100 guest mark. This means that 100 times someone has been to see me. Some of those 100 are repeating for the same people. I count at least 8 people with at least 1 return visit. Thank you to all of you who are included in those 100 and to those who've tried to book me so far as well.
This week has been a bit of a reality check. Things that seemed like they would be hard were not so difficult while others that should have been simpler had some snags. But that's what's going to happen when you deal with hair color. I want people to feel comfortable coming to me after using at home color but at the same time there are realities involved with that. Certain changes just can't be done in one try. Even for the experienced pros. There's a lot of guess work when it comes to it. Then there are my rookie skills when it comes to doing multiple things at once. It caused my plans to change and I ended up missing strands that I intended to color. The brush just doesn't get all of them. Yesterday when I once again did a color I made sure I went through with the brush, my fingers, and a comb. I was not taking a chance on a repeat. And it worked this time. At least it appeared to have worked when she left. But that's not to say it will work every time. You just cannot promise anything when it comes to color. You shouldn't promise anything period when it comes to hair care. The simplest shampoo can have an issue. That's why I have to pay for insurance when I get my license. But I want to learn. And there's only a few ways to learn. So thank you to those who are letting me learn with them.
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1307 Hours
100 Guests
A few personal milestones. 1300 hours out of 1500 reached. This means I no longer have to do the assignment given to the others when on the floor. I can instead choose from a list of things and do as many of those as I can get done in a day. Although the fact that I've been lucky enough to be fully booked for 3 weeks straight with a 4th already booked means I haven't been thinking about the manikins too much. From here on out filling the chair with someone who wants to be in it is the mission. And doing my mission of caring for them and about them and listening to them and what they want. It doesn't mean I can give it to them. But I will at least listen and not be mean about saying no. Nor will I try to force my own ideas upon them.
The other milestone is the 100 guest mark. This means that 100 times someone has been to see me. Some of those 100 are repeating for the same people. I count at least 8 people with at least 1 return visit. Thank you to all of you who are included in those 100 and to those who've tried to book me so far as well.
This week has been a bit of a reality check. Things that seemed like they would be hard were not so difficult while others that should have been simpler had some snags. But that's what's going to happen when you deal with hair color. I want people to feel comfortable coming to me after using at home color but at the same time there are realities involved with that. Certain changes just can't be done in one try. Even for the experienced pros. There's a lot of guess work when it comes to it. Then there are my rookie skills when it comes to doing multiple things at once. It caused my plans to change and I ended up missing strands that I intended to color. The brush just doesn't get all of them. Yesterday when I once again did a color I made sure I went through with the brush, my fingers, and a comb. I was not taking a chance on a repeat. And it worked this time. At least it appeared to have worked when she left. But that's not to say it will work every time. You just cannot promise anything when it comes to color. You shouldn't promise anything period when it comes to hair care. The simplest shampoo can have an issue. That's why I have to pay for insurance when I get my license. But I want to learn. And there's only a few ways to learn. So thank you to those who are letting me learn with them.
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Friday, May 2, 2014
Day 184, 185, 186 ~ Wiggin Out ~ 5/1/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 184, 185, 186 ~ Wiggin Out ~ 5/1/14
1293 Hours
97 Guests
Tuesday Classroom Day - Its the start of Wigs and Hair Additions with Mrs C. We did some theory and then in the afternoon we had to make some braids and then get at least 3 cornrows in the back to sew a weft in. Well the sewing part was furthest from my mind as I had to first conquer the cornrow. I can braid. I can French braid. I can Dutch braid. I can make a samller braid of each. But I'd never been able to get a tiny one that would be a cornrow. So needless to say this was going to be a challenge. This is my last course of study in Rehearsal class before I start repeating a few I've already had. If you've been reading this journal from early on you may know that I've not always had the easiest time with learning things from Mrs C. I love her a lot and there's mutual respect and all that good stuff. But back then it was a bit difficult to learn from her because I have to be hands on more. Sometimes I just can't grasp the task until I have done it and told it was right or wrong. So combine her and this task I've struggled with and I was hoping for smooth sailing. I struggled a bit. I did a few small braids but not what I wanted. And then I went to the nape and went for it. And I made some fairly small braids. Small enough that when I asked Mrs C to come show me the sew in she commented that they might be too small for the fine hair. But she did some sewing and let me do some and I got a weft in there. So mission accomplished.
Wednesday Performance floor - I brought my friend in that I'd brought a few weeks back for a light brown color. This time she wanted red with black ends. Unfortunately we had to go with a mixed red instead of some of the more wanted choices so it didn't come out with as much pop as we'd hoped for. But it is red with black. She also let me get some tweezing and brow waxing practise in.
Today Classroom - We split into groups in the morning and each group made a cap style wig with wefts glued to it. Then in the afternoon Mrs C let those of us that wanted to try it individually give it a go so I did. Back on August 21 a salon owner came for a demo and made the same type of wig. I volunteered when she asked for someone to come help measure a weft. So I got a close up look back then. But now it was my turn to hold the glue and apply it and try not to make a mess. Well it is messy. If you're not used to squeezing that bottle its hard to get it to come out slower. But the students earlier in the day who had made wigs before showed us a trick with using the blow dryer a bit on the glue that you just squirted and then stick the weft to the cap and then blow dry it more. So I moved along fairly well with it. I got the nape up to the occipital area done before we took 2 pm break. Then I came back and gave it the side burn hair and then wound the crown around to the top. Then I rolled a cap piece but another student said to try it a little tighter and rolled one for me to glue on. So I did 99% of my own wig. Which I'm thrilled with. Another I can do that.
I'm booked for the next two days with more people I booked for color as well as Mrs D tomorrow. So I hope to be back by Saturday night on here with good results to post about.
I have some awesome news to talk about but I'm holding back for now. Instead I'm enjoying that I met two good friends on Saturday and no matter what happens I'm going to benefit from just being their friends. I hope to be able to help them too. My main intent with meeting the one friend was to learn and observe and possibly help out if something came up that I could do. And I am happy to say that I'll be back for that the next time our schedules match.
Thank you for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1293 Hours
97 Guests
Tuesday Classroom Day - Its the start of Wigs and Hair Additions with Mrs C. We did some theory and then in the afternoon we had to make some braids and then get at least 3 cornrows in the back to sew a weft in. Well the sewing part was furthest from my mind as I had to first conquer the cornrow. I can braid. I can French braid. I can Dutch braid. I can make a samller braid of each. But I'd never been able to get a tiny one that would be a cornrow. So needless to say this was going to be a challenge. This is my last course of study in Rehearsal class before I start repeating a few I've already had. If you've been reading this journal from early on you may know that I've not always had the easiest time with learning things from Mrs C. I love her a lot and there's mutual respect and all that good stuff. But back then it was a bit difficult to learn from her because I have to be hands on more. Sometimes I just can't grasp the task until I have done it and told it was right or wrong. So combine her and this task I've struggled with and I was hoping for smooth sailing. I struggled a bit. I did a few small braids but not what I wanted. And then I went to the nape and went for it. And I made some fairly small braids. Small enough that when I asked Mrs C to come show me the sew in she commented that they might be too small for the fine hair. But she did some sewing and let me do some and I got a weft in there. So mission accomplished.
Wednesday Performance floor - I brought my friend in that I'd brought a few weeks back for a light brown color. This time she wanted red with black ends. Unfortunately we had to go with a mixed red instead of some of the more wanted choices so it didn't come out with as much pop as we'd hoped for. But it is red with black. She also let me get some tweezing and brow waxing practise in.
Today Classroom - We split into groups in the morning and each group made a cap style wig with wefts glued to it. Then in the afternoon Mrs C let those of us that wanted to try it individually give it a go so I did. Back on August 21 a salon owner came for a demo and made the same type of wig. I volunteered when she asked for someone to come help measure a weft. So I got a close up look back then. But now it was my turn to hold the glue and apply it and try not to make a mess. Well it is messy. If you're not used to squeezing that bottle its hard to get it to come out slower. But the students earlier in the day who had made wigs before showed us a trick with using the blow dryer a bit on the glue that you just squirted and then stick the weft to the cap and then blow dry it more. So I moved along fairly well with it. I got the nape up to the occipital area done before we took 2 pm break. Then I came back and gave it the side burn hair and then wound the crown around to the top. Then I rolled a cap piece but another student said to try it a little tighter and rolled one for me to glue on. So I did 99% of my own wig. Which I'm thrilled with. Another I can do that.
I'm booked for the next two days with more people I booked for color as well as Mrs D tomorrow. So I hope to be back by Saturday night on here with good results to post about.
I have some awesome news to talk about but I'm holding back for now. Instead I'm enjoying that I met two good friends on Saturday and no matter what happens I'm going to benefit from just being their friends. I hope to be able to help them too. My main intent with meeting the one friend was to learn and observe and possibly help out if something came up that I could do. And I am happy to say that I'll be back for that the next time our schedules match.
Thank you for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Day 183 ~ Nails: 35 - Check ~ 4/25/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 183 ~ Nails: 35 - Check ~ 4/25/14
1272 Hours
96 Guests
Its getting late so I'll make this a quick one.
My friend I met around New Years who came for the haircutting rubric / test and also had her husband and brother in last week for haircuts, came today for a manicure and pedicure. When the credits get updated tomorrow after the 24 hours pass I will have all 35 of my mani / pedi credits done for graduation. If you helped me with that thank you. :)
Looking forward to tomorrow but I'll save the further mention of that for the next entry :)
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1272 Hours
96 Guests
Its getting late so I'll make this a quick one.
My friend I met around New Years who came for the haircutting rubric / test and also had her husband and brother in last week for haircuts, came today for a manicure and pedicure. When the credits get updated tomorrow after the 24 hours pass I will have all 35 of my mani / pedi credits done for graduation. If you helped me with that thank you. :)
Looking forward to tomorrow but I'll save the further mention of that for the next entry :)
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Days 180, 181, 182 ~ Brushes With Color ~ 4/24/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Days 180, 181, 182 ~ Brushes With Color ~ 4/24/14
1265 Hours
95 Guests
Tuesday Classroom: I received a pedicure from a newer student who I've become friends with. Thanks D
Then in the afternoon I did manicures on the two manikin hands that I had to try to get closer to finishing my nail credits.
Wednesday Performance Floor: I originally had two guests coming for mani and pedi but one had to postpone. But my friend from Kroger did come and we had a nice day. In the afternoon I got credit for some marcel curls on the manikin.
Thursday Classroom: Quiz day - got 100% on Anatomy & Nails 2.
Then it was time to do services on each other. My friend B let me do a pedicure for her. And then after lunch I wasn't sure what I was going to do so I had my manikin ready to go with something. Another student was done with color they were using and had a big batch left in their tint bowl and asked if anyone wanted it. So I jumped at it. Timing seemed to say do it. I'm not sure if it really did anything to my manikin. It slightly colored some of the lighter hairs but I don't think it had enough lifting power left to get at the darker ones. I was using a red violet color on dark brown hair. I took before and after pictures but used my phone so that doesn't tell the story very well. But here they are.
As of right now I am pretty much booked solid next week. There's a chance I could fit something quick in on Saturday but hopefully its something I book and not given. I have a color involving foils and second colors to do plus a cut. But first I have to see what happens tomorrow....... 235 hours left........ less than 7 weeks
Thank you for reading, I appreciate it.
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1265 Hours
95 Guests
Tuesday Classroom: I received a pedicure from a newer student who I've become friends with. Thanks D
Then in the afternoon I did manicures on the two manikin hands that I had to try to get closer to finishing my nail credits.
Wednesday Performance Floor: I originally had two guests coming for mani and pedi but one had to postpone. But my friend from Kroger did come and we had a nice day. In the afternoon I got credit for some marcel curls on the manikin.
Thursday Classroom: Quiz day - got 100% on Anatomy & Nails 2.
Then it was time to do services on each other. My friend B let me do a pedicure for her. And then after lunch I wasn't sure what I was going to do so I had my manikin ready to go with something. Another student was done with color they were using and had a big batch left in their tint bowl and asked if anyone wanted it. So I jumped at it. Timing seemed to say do it. I'm not sure if it really did anything to my manikin. It slightly colored some of the lighter hairs but I don't think it had enough lifting power left to get at the darker ones. I was using a red violet color on dark brown hair. I took before and after pictures but used my phone so that doesn't tell the story very well. But here they are.
As of right now I am pretty much booked solid next week. There's a chance I could fit something quick in on Saturday but hopefully its something I book and not given. I have a color involving foils and second colors to do plus a cut. But first I have to see what happens tomorrow....... 235 hours left........ less than 7 weeks
Thank you for reading, I appreciate it.
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Monday, April 21, 2014
Day 179 ~ PB Rockin Out At Ya On The All Request Line ~ 4/21/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 179 ~ PB Rockin Out At Ya On The All Request Line ~ 4/21/14
1245 Hours
94 Guests
So I left off last week with having 8 requests for the week.
Right now I have this entire week booked solid with requests. 2 came today.
First up is a new FB friend who came for a donation haircut. I cut at least 11-12 inch tails off and gave her a graduated wedge type cut that's still behind the ear tuckable. The pics are on FB
Second, my friend from Kroger had to cancel his color for today but that gave my friend from the vendor shows a chance to come in after her errands to get a manicure before she moves later this week.
Right now I have Wednesday and Friday booked with more mani & pedi and a trim and looks like I'm going to booked next wednesday all day already. Just gotta get it into the computer tomorrow.
I also met some nice people yesterday and there are some nice possibilities to just go visit my new friends and learn from them so I look forward to that.
Thank you for reading
I Love You all <3
~ No Tangles ~
1245 Hours
94 Guests
So I left off last week with having 8 requests for the week.
Right now I have this entire week booked solid with requests. 2 came today.
First up is a new FB friend who came for a donation haircut. I cut at least 11-12 inch tails off and gave her a graduated wedge type cut that's still behind the ear tuckable. The pics are on FB
Second, my friend from Kroger had to cancel his color for today but that gave my friend from the vendor shows a chance to come in after her errands to get a manicure before she moves later this week.
Right now I have Wednesday and Friday booked with more mani & pedi and a trim and looks like I'm going to booked next wednesday all day already. Just gotta get it into the computer tomorrow.
I also met some nice people yesterday and there are some nice possibilities to just go visit my new friends and learn from them so I look forward to that.
Thank you for reading
I Love You all <3
~ No Tangles ~
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Day 178 ~ 30 Little Piggies Got Pedicures ~ 4/19/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 178 ~ 30 Little Piggies Got Pedicures ~ 4/19/14
1238 Hours
92 Guests
This awesome week came to an end yet with next week already 50% planned out its keeping this Positive Train rolling pretty well right now. This was a week of firsts. First time I had 8 requests in one week. I met two gentlemen for the first time on Wednesday. I did the first trim of a major cut yesterday. I did my first ever pedicures on children. 2 at the same time. I also did 3 in one day. Its the first time I've had 3 mens haircuts in one week. Its the first time I've had someone return for their 4th time who isn't Mrs D.
I truly do cherish everyday. I know that I am being presented with some amazing opportunities to meet people and get to know others. I wish you all could feel what I'm feeling right now. As I type this I have already met a handful of new people today.
I needed to get my 3 pedicures done today by 12:30. I got them out the door at 12:15. The Regency computer tells me I had 3:45 to get them done and I finished in 2:51. Its probably no where near the speed of the Luv salon a few doors down from the school. But for me it was like winning an Olympic medal.
Thank you for reading
I Love you all <3
~ No Tangles ~
1238 Hours
92 Guests
This awesome week came to an end yet with next week already 50% planned out its keeping this Positive Train rolling pretty well right now. This was a week of firsts. First time I had 8 requests in one week. I met two gentlemen for the first time on Wednesday. I did the first trim of a major cut yesterday. I did my first ever pedicures on children. 2 at the same time. I also did 3 in one day. Its the first time I've had 3 mens haircuts in one week. Its the first time I've had someone return for their 4th time who isn't Mrs D.
I truly do cherish everyday. I know that I am being presented with some amazing opportunities to meet people and get to know others. I wish you all could feel what I'm feeling right now. As I type this I have already met a handful of new people today.
I needed to get my 3 pedicures done today by 12:30. I got them out the door at 12:15. The Regency computer tells me I had 3:45 to get them done and I finished in 2:51. Its probably no where near the speed of the Luv salon a few doors down from the school. But for me it was like winning an Olympic medal.
Thank you for reading
I Love you all <3
~ No Tangles ~
Friday, April 18, 2014
Day 177 ~ Makeover Over Again ~ 4/18/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 177 ~ Makeover Over Again ~ 4/18/14
1231 Hours
88 Guests
Performance Floor Friday:
Today was a day of returning guests. We started the day off with a few celebrations and it was rainy out. But I told everyone that the sun would be out in the afternoon when Mrs D arrived and sure enough it came out. It has been out about 95% of the time when she has come even if just a peek from behind clouds. She's coming for her third haircut with me next week but I told her not to bother with coming earlier because I've been getting her out early enough now that I have enough time to get it done with the roller set. I returned from walking her to the car at 3:20 so that leaves me plenty of time to get the cut done. A cut I've done before on her and have more confidence to do now.
But first up this morning was the return of my coworker's mother. She came in January for a bit of a major cut. She was mid back at the time and I gave her a cut like the local news anchor had, Monica Gayle
So this was a bit of a first for me. A returning trim of a major cut. I'm happy to say that it was a nice visit and I was able to figure out what I did last time and what to do this time to give it a nice tidy up. Without any help.
I'm up to 4 guests this week that are requests. Tomorrow I have another 4 possible. I've already got at least 2 booked for next week with 1 wanting to book and 2 trying to check their availability. So we'll see if this works out.
In the meantime I'm plotting my next strategies for how to promote myself a bit more on FB and get some new people. I've been thinking and one of the qualities I'd like to find in the salon I go to work for is one that is open to using social networking or will at least allow me to continue on this path I have put myself on with trying to hand out cards or flyers or something. I've come too far to just have a bunch of walk ins handed to me all the time. Its just something I need to keep challenging myself with.
Thank you for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1231 Hours
88 Guests
Performance Floor Friday:
Today was a day of returning guests. We started the day off with a few celebrations and it was rainy out. But I told everyone that the sun would be out in the afternoon when Mrs D arrived and sure enough it came out. It has been out about 95% of the time when she has come even if just a peek from behind clouds. She's coming for her third haircut with me next week but I told her not to bother with coming earlier because I've been getting her out early enough now that I have enough time to get it done with the roller set. I returned from walking her to the car at 3:20 so that leaves me plenty of time to get the cut done. A cut I've done before on her and have more confidence to do now.
But first up this morning was the return of my coworker's mother. She came in January for a bit of a major cut. She was mid back at the time and I gave her a cut like the local news anchor had, Monica Gayle
So this was a bit of a first for me. A returning trim of a major cut. I'm happy to say that it was a nice visit and I was able to figure out what I did last time and what to do this time to give it a nice tidy up. Without any help.
I'm up to 4 guests this week that are requests. Tomorrow I have another 4 possible. I've already got at least 2 booked for next week with 1 wanting to book and 2 trying to check their availability. So we'll see if this works out.
In the meantime I'm plotting my next strategies for how to promote myself a bit more on FB and get some new people. I've been thinking and one of the qualities I'd like to find in the salon I go to work for is one that is open to using social networking or will at least allow me to continue on this path I have put myself on with trying to hand out cards or flyers or something. I've come too far to just have a bunch of walk ins handed to me all the time. Its just something I need to keep challenging myself with.
Thank you for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Day 176 ~ Hey ~ 4/17/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 176 ~ Hey ~ 4/17/14
1224 Hours
Yeah its not the most clever title I've come up with so far but it does mean something. So today was classroom day 2 of Nails and Anatomy part 2. We spent the day working on cornmeal glove hands with fake tips on them. We were making acrylic nails on those like we did for Nails 1. In the afternoon Mrs V showed us how to do a French tip with polish so I practised that a bit. I made sure to get all my tips done last time so this time I could take it easy and try to do my work a bit nicer. Mrs V said I did a good job on the ones I did today. I checked the computer for my quiz scores from the other day and not only did I pass the Professional Image and Laws quizzes, I got 100% on both. Which surprised me because I was kinda stuck on one or two guesses. I guess I chose right.
During lunch I checked my phone and there was a message from someone wanting some help coming up soon and I was happy that it should work out that I can help. So being in a good mood after that I was going to go outside for a few minutes at the end of lunch. I was walking towards our front door and there was a man in the lobby. I only glanced enough to know it was a man. I pushed the first door and as I did the man says "Hey Rob hows it goin?" and that voice jumped at my memory as a voice I'd heard many times and as I looked at the face it looked somewhat familiar but the clothing and the hat were different. But a split second later I realized it was the man who I'd called boss for 3 years. My department head from the Meat Department was there while his wife was getting something done. So I got to chat with him a bit and introduce him to Mrs L. Had I not decided to go outside for a minute I would not have known he was there.. If you had told me there was a chance he would have been there I would not have thought so. But its one more of those little signs I keep getting. I just gotta keep doing things however they happen because its working. I've got two very busy days ahead of me.
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1224 Hours
Yeah its not the most clever title I've come up with so far but it does mean something. So today was classroom day 2 of Nails and Anatomy part 2. We spent the day working on cornmeal glove hands with fake tips on them. We were making acrylic nails on those like we did for Nails 1. In the afternoon Mrs V showed us how to do a French tip with polish so I practised that a bit. I made sure to get all my tips done last time so this time I could take it easy and try to do my work a bit nicer. Mrs V said I did a good job on the ones I did today. I checked the computer for my quiz scores from the other day and not only did I pass the Professional Image and Laws quizzes, I got 100% on both. Which surprised me because I was kinda stuck on one or two guesses. I guess I chose right.
During lunch I checked my phone and there was a message from someone wanting some help coming up soon and I was happy that it should work out that I can help. So being in a good mood after that I was going to go outside for a few minutes at the end of lunch. I was walking towards our front door and there was a man in the lobby. I only glanced enough to know it was a man. I pushed the first door and as I did the man says "Hey Rob hows it goin?" and that voice jumped at my memory as a voice I'd heard many times and as I looked at the face it looked somewhat familiar but the clothing and the hat were different. But a split second later I realized it was the man who I'd called boss for 3 years. My department head from the Meat Department was there while his wife was getting something done. So I got to chat with him a bit and introduce him to Mrs L. Had I not decided to go outside for a minute I would not have known he was there.. If you had told me there was a chance he would have been there I would not have thought so. But its one more of those little signs I keep getting. I just gotta keep doing things however they happen because its working. I've got two very busy days ahead of me.
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Day 174 & 175 ~ Perfection ~ 4/16/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 174 & 175 ~ Perfection ~ 4/16/14
1217 Hours
86 Guests
Ok that's as in the game Perfection. I feel like I'm playing the game where you have to put the shaped pegs into the game board before the timer goes and springs the board up throwing the pegs. I don't think I've actually played that game before. But now I'm playing it in a different way with booking guests. I do enjoy it. It has its moments of the board jumping and throwing pieces on me but I just have to try again.
Today was an example of some unexpected pieces being placed into the board. One of my guests that came for the haircutting rubric had me book her husband and brother for haircuts. Starting at 10 and they wanted to be gone by 12. Now if you're already a stylist in a salon this probably seems like enough time for 10 haircuts. But in my case this seemed like biting off more than I could chew. And I was doing it anyway. Because I am not who I was. Mrs E has been complimenting me lately on how fast I'm getting done. The key is the fear. I'm not letting fear of time matter. Its fun now. I did a clipper cut that I'd never done before with 1 on the back and a 4 on top. I then did a square male cut for the first time on a person who happened to be a male. It looked to me like it was the right choice to use for trimming what he already had. I guess I can step on the gas a bit now. I've got my hands on the wheel. I finished both cuts by 11:30.
Today's assignments were a virgin color application and a relaxer retouch application. I was able to get both of them done in the afternoon after my lunch.
Yesterday we started on Nails and Anatomy part 2 and we took the Laws exam and Professional Developement quiz. I don't know my score but I passed them both.
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1217 Hours
86 Guests
Ok that's as in the game Perfection. I feel like I'm playing the game where you have to put the shaped pegs into the game board before the timer goes and springs the board up throwing the pegs. I don't think I've actually played that game before. But now I'm playing it in a different way with booking guests. I do enjoy it. It has its moments of the board jumping and throwing pieces on me but I just have to try again.
Today was an example of some unexpected pieces being placed into the board. One of my guests that came for the haircutting rubric had me book her husband and brother for haircuts. Starting at 10 and they wanted to be gone by 12. Now if you're already a stylist in a salon this probably seems like enough time for 10 haircuts. But in my case this seemed like biting off more than I could chew. And I was doing it anyway. Because I am not who I was. Mrs E has been complimenting me lately on how fast I'm getting done. The key is the fear. I'm not letting fear of time matter. Its fun now. I did a clipper cut that I'd never done before with 1 on the back and a 4 on top. I then did a square male cut for the first time on a person who happened to be a male. It looked to me like it was the right choice to use for trimming what he already had. I guess I can step on the gas a bit now. I've got my hands on the wheel. I finished both cuts by 11:30.
Today's assignments were a virgin color application and a relaxer retouch application. I was able to get both of them done in the afternoon after my lunch.
Yesterday we started on Nails and Anatomy part 2 and we took the Laws exam and Professional Developement quiz. I don't know my score but I passed them both.
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Monday, April 14, 2014
PurpleBubba's ~ Periodical Prose of Ponderings ~
PurpleBubba's ~ Periodical Prose of Ponderings ~
I'm trying to collect my thoughts a bit here. Time is going to start really flying by here and it feels like I'm going to get swept away by the winds that are outside. I've got my Positive Train going forward but one thing about trains is they are hard to slow down.
The questions are:
What do I want?
Where do I want to be?
Where do I see myself short term and long term?
These are major questions because employers ask them. And some of those I cannot tell the truth on if I'm trying to be careful. But I know me. I have a hard time lying.
I need to be careful because just because a carrot is in front of me that I may have wanted before it does not mean its the carrot that's right for me now after I have done what I have done. I know where I would like to be. I know the type of place I'd like to be in. The problem is I don't know if that place exists or if they exist where I want them to be location wise. I have to be careful with getting jobs just anywhere. People don't want to hire me and put time into training me only to have me walk out the door on them.
What do I want?
This used to be a much simpler answer. For years I've simply wanted to be the stylist that listened. Who only trimmed what was asked for or less. Nothing has changed with that. I want to earn trust no matter what I am doing for my guest. But that's one of my issues. The What I am doing. I've just spent 8 months finding out that I not only can do more than help people with their hair, I want to help with more. There are salons and chains that do just haircuts. There are some that do cuts and colors but no perms. There are some that do nails but not facials. But even if I find one that does all of them the question is do I get to do them all for the guest who comes in to see me? Or does the manicure table and facial bed belong to the person at that station? Its probably one of those things that is different from place to place depending on what the place is like. But I don't want to have to give up doing things I found out I enjoyed for the sake of making a dollar behind the chair only. I found out that I enjoy being a cosmetologist. Its one of the few words I feel comfortable using to describe my profession. I'm a long way from doing all of those things well. But I don't want to miss out.
Where do I want to be?
Ok I'm going to be as honest as I can here. The fact that I have to walk on eggshells with this question really bugs me. I understand that a salon owner and the other employees don't want to train people who aren't going to stay. But I don't like that I would have to avoid this question nor try to lie about it. I know that long term I'd like to be somewhere other than where I am. But I am also realistic that I cannot predict that far ahead. I cannot even predict next week. I do know that there are some things and situations in my life that need to change or I'm going to fail. There's also that ever present possibility that I'm going to meet her and get married and have children. How is that going to change things? Will I have the same dreams and goals then? Will they be able to happen?
So I applied to a salon that's nearby. Its been a few days. They haven't called. And I'm left wondering to myself what happens if I get hired there? For 5 years I've wanted to have the chance to work there. But I know nothing about them. There's not much to research online. All I know is they are within walking distance. But here I am wondering what happens if I do call them or they call me and the owner wants to train me? I've got this whole big world ahead of me that withint walking distance may or may not be what I want right now. I may want a different within walking distance. And I don't want to waste anyone's time let alone mine.
All I can do is keep my Positive Train going forward. If I miss out on this or another salon because I don't call them, it is what it is. It was meant to be. I hope everyone understands that. Because everyday I get a sign that tells me that no matter how changed my plans get I am still on the right track. For better or worse I am supposed to do or not do the things that will or won't be done. It just is. And I'm not going to spend my time regretting. I have too much to live for to spend my life flipping through the channels of nothing good is on.
Make no mistake about it, I want to work for what I get. I want to earn it. I want to learn it. Your time is always precious to me. No matter how you spend it with me. The best way for me to pay back those I love is to not give up. To not live in the past. I've already elminated so much regret and pain. But I have more to do.
If you are a potential employer and you've read this, thank you. And the best way for me not to waste your time is to be honest.
Thank you all for reading.
I Love You <3
~ No Tangles ~
I'm trying to collect my thoughts a bit here. Time is going to start really flying by here and it feels like I'm going to get swept away by the winds that are outside. I've got my Positive Train going forward but one thing about trains is they are hard to slow down.
The questions are:
What do I want?
Where do I want to be?
Where do I see myself short term and long term?
These are major questions because employers ask them. And some of those I cannot tell the truth on if I'm trying to be careful. But I know me. I have a hard time lying.
I need to be careful because just because a carrot is in front of me that I may have wanted before it does not mean its the carrot that's right for me now after I have done what I have done. I know where I would like to be. I know the type of place I'd like to be in. The problem is I don't know if that place exists or if they exist where I want them to be location wise. I have to be careful with getting jobs just anywhere. People don't want to hire me and put time into training me only to have me walk out the door on them.
What do I want?
This used to be a much simpler answer. For years I've simply wanted to be the stylist that listened. Who only trimmed what was asked for or less. Nothing has changed with that. I want to earn trust no matter what I am doing for my guest. But that's one of my issues. The What I am doing. I've just spent 8 months finding out that I not only can do more than help people with their hair, I want to help with more. There are salons and chains that do just haircuts. There are some that do cuts and colors but no perms. There are some that do nails but not facials. But even if I find one that does all of them the question is do I get to do them all for the guest who comes in to see me? Or does the manicure table and facial bed belong to the person at that station? Its probably one of those things that is different from place to place depending on what the place is like. But I don't want to have to give up doing things I found out I enjoyed for the sake of making a dollar behind the chair only. I found out that I enjoy being a cosmetologist. Its one of the few words I feel comfortable using to describe my profession. I'm a long way from doing all of those things well. But I don't want to miss out.
Where do I want to be?
Ok I'm going to be as honest as I can here. The fact that I have to walk on eggshells with this question really bugs me. I understand that a salon owner and the other employees don't want to train people who aren't going to stay. But I don't like that I would have to avoid this question nor try to lie about it. I know that long term I'd like to be somewhere other than where I am. But I am also realistic that I cannot predict that far ahead. I cannot even predict next week. I do know that there are some things and situations in my life that need to change or I'm going to fail. There's also that ever present possibility that I'm going to meet her and get married and have children. How is that going to change things? Will I have the same dreams and goals then? Will they be able to happen?
So I applied to a salon that's nearby. Its been a few days. They haven't called. And I'm left wondering to myself what happens if I get hired there? For 5 years I've wanted to have the chance to work there. But I know nothing about them. There's not much to research online. All I know is they are within walking distance. But here I am wondering what happens if I do call them or they call me and the owner wants to train me? I've got this whole big world ahead of me that withint walking distance may or may not be what I want right now. I may want a different within walking distance. And I don't want to waste anyone's time let alone mine.
All I can do is keep my Positive Train going forward. If I miss out on this or another salon because I don't call them, it is what it is. It was meant to be. I hope everyone understands that. Because everyday I get a sign that tells me that no matter how changed my plans get I am still on the right track. For better or worse I am supposed to do or not do the things that will or won't be done. It just is. And I'm not going to spend my time regretting. I have too much to live for to spend my life flipping through the channels of nothing good is on.
Make no mistake about it, I want to work for what I get. I want to earn it. I want to learn it. Your time is always precious to me. No matter how you spend it with me. The best way for me to pay back those I love is to not give up. To not live in the past. I've already elminated so much regret and pain. But I have more to do.
If you are a potential employer and you've read this, thank you. And the best way for me not to waste your time is to be honest.
Thank you all for reading.
I Love You <3
~ No Tangles ~
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Day 171, 172, 173 ~ Salon Fair ~ 4/11/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 171, 172, 173 ~ Salon Fair ~ 4/11/14
1203 Hours - 297 left - 8 weeks 3 days
84 Guests
Its been an interesting week. Salon Fair was on Wednesday. As Monday morning approached it was apparent to me that I was not prepared for it. My original plans were changed so I had to go into costume making mode. I only had Sunday off and I had plans for it. Plans that got changed and I found myself sitting in Port Huron along the river doing some thinking instead. I called in on Monday and took the day off. I then proceded to go about town creating. Or at least searching. I went to the thrift stores first hoping to capture some of the magic that came about with finding the pie at Salvation Army in September. I found one item at that same store. But after that I had a hard time finding themed items. At the end of the long day I came home with a few items and enough to make it work. But my friend and model said she could do some shopping with me on Tuesday so I called in again. So that makes 3 days I have missed so far. But it was worth it. We worked together and I feel we came up with something unique and I don't think I'll ever see it again. So here is "The Queen Of Wishful Thinking" with a cape of Stars held together by Stars, and butterflies and flowers and ladybug stickers. And a fountain with coins on her head. I glued a plastic blue cup to a head band and then used clear hair gel as water. For her hair I did the spiral marcel curls that I did on a manikin and then again on her a few weeks ago.
I did not win any prizes. But I don't mind at all. Everything I wanted to do is in that picture. I finished the hairstyle I was trying to do in the amount of time given. I did a theme that no one else did. But most importantly I somehow found a model. More importantly I made a friend. Oddly enough we had met before. It turns out she had shopped at Kroger when I was in the meat department. It was just a few less than a minute interactions. But when she mentioned that she had been there I remembered them. As I type this I know she's facing something scary and I wish her the best.
Thursday we had a chance to work on some practicals and such in class. I got another credit for a pedicure and one for more spiral marcel curls on the manikin.
Friday morning I had one of the regulars that was new to me. She was in for a hair color retouch. She was a nice lady and I'm hoping to see her again before I graduate. And then in the afternoon I once again had the pleasure of Mrs D's company for her roller set.
There are some things I'd really like to write that are on my mind. But I'm having trouble with saying them. I'll see if I get my thoughts collected by the time I write next.
Thank you for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1203 Hours - 297 left - 8 weeks 3 days
84 Guests
Its been an interesting week. Salon Fair was on Wednesday. As Monday morning approached it was apparent to me that I was not prepared for it. My original plans were changed so I had to go into costume making mode. I only had Sunday off and I had plans for it. Plans that got changed and I found myself sitting in Port Huron along the river doing some thinking instead. I called in on Monday and took the day off. I then proceded to go about town creating. Or at least searching. I went to the thrift stores first hoping to capture some of the magic that came about with finding the pie at Salvation Army in September. I found one item at that same store. But after that I had a hard time finding themed items. At the end of the long day I came home with a few items and enough to make it work. But my friend and model said she could do some shopping with me on Tuesday so I called in again. So that makes 3 days I have missed so far. But it was worth it. We worked together and I feel we came up with something unique and I don't think I'll ever see it again. So here is "The Queen Of Wishful Thinking" with a cape of Stars held together by Stars, and butterflies and flowers and ladybug stickers. And a fountain with coins on her head. I glued a plastic blue cup to a head band and then used clear hair gel as water. For her hair I did the spiral marcel curls that I did on a manikin and then again on her a few weeks ago.
I did not win any prizes. But I don't mind at all. Everything I wanted to do is in that picture. I finished the hairstyle I was trying to do in the amount of time given. I did a theme that no one else did. But most importantly I somehow found a model. More importantly I made a friend. Oddly enough we had met before. It turns out she had shopped at Kroger when I was in the meat department. It was just a few less than a minute interactions. But when she mentioned that she had been there I remembered them. As I type this I know she's facing something scary and I wish her the best.
Thursday we had a chance to work on some practicals and such in class. I got another credit for a pedicure and one for more spiral marcel curls on the manikin.
Friday morning I had one of the regulars that was new to me. She was in for a hair color retouch. She was a nice lady and I'm hoping to see her again before I graduate. And then in the afternoon I once again had the pleasure of Mrs D's company for her roller set.
There are some things I'd really like to write that are on my mind. But I'm having trouble with saying them. I'll see if I get my thoughts collected by the time I write next.
Thank you for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Day 170 ~ Coloring Head To Toe ~ 4/5/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 170 ~ Coloring Head To Toe ~ 4/5/14
1182 Hours
81 Guests
Saturday Performance Floor:
As of yesterday my day was to be me blocked out on the computer from 11 am till about 3 for my model to come and see what we could come up with for salon fair. I wasn't expecting to get a guest because of that but as we were celebrating the part time students this morning I was handed a ticket. But not just any ticket for something quick. A hair color. I had 1.5 hours. 40 minutes of that alone is processing. Plus the rinsing. But when I asked about it to Mrs C we realized that no one else was available to either take it or trade with so I said we'll just have to get started and see how far I get by the time my model arrived and possibly have someone take over. I'm at the point where I don't want to not do the service for someone. That's so 14 years ago. So Mrs C helped get me started and showed me a few shortcuts to get through it faster. And other than having to wait for the water to warm up at the sink I was right on time to at least get the color done. But I knew this guest was also going to want a thermal and not just the blow dry on the ticket. I was not able to check my phone to see if my model / friend was sending me messages or not nor was I able to tell her my situation. All I could do was keep going with my guest. And I completed the service. I had been checking at times to see if my friend was in the lobby but she wasn't yet. But as I was checking my guest out I saw that she had arrived. So that meant that the day was going to be positive. As it turned out she had left me some messages saying she'd be a little late and she had only been waiting a little bit in the lobby. We sat and talked about possible plans. And she asked if we could do a pedicure and perhaps talk more while we do that. Sounded good to me. Especially since I was originally going to be doing pedicures today for my other friend.
As far as Salon Fair goes, I'm participating. I have a model. I'm gonna just wing it. I'm not competing. I'm not trying to impress anyone. I need to remind myself that I didn't go to school to put on a show. I just want to do something nice for my model and hopefully do something that makes her feel beautiful when she walks down the catwalk carpet. I guess its more important to me that she feels like a Queen than to be check marked into the role. If I have to I'll go find an old wooden clothes pin and go old school Robert on them all.
Thanks for reading
I Love you all <3
~ No Tangles ~
1182 Hours
81 Guests
Saturday Performance Floor:
As of yesterday my day was to be me blocked out on the computer from 11 am till about 3 for my model to come and see what we could come up with for salon fair. I wasn't expecting to get a guest because of that but as we were celebrating the part time students this morning I was handed a ticket. But not just any ticket for something quick. A hair color. I had 1.5 hours. 40 minutes of that alone is processing. Plus the rinsing. But when I asked about it to Mrs C we realized that no one else was available to either take it or trade with so I said we'll just have to get started and see how far I get by the time my model arrived and possibly have someone take over. I'm at the point where I don't want to not do the service for someone. That's so 14 years ago. So Mrs C helped get me started and showed me a few shortcuts to get through it faster. And other than having to wait for the water to warm up at the sink I was right on time to at least get the color done. But I knew this guest was also going to want a thermal and not just the blow dry on the ticket. I was not able to check my phone to see if my model / friend was sending me messages or not nor was I able to tell her my situation. All I could do was keep going with my guest. And I completed the service. I had been checking at times to see if my friend was in the lobby but she wasn't yet. But as I was checking my guest out I saw that she had arrived. So that meant that the day was going to be positive. As it turned out she had left me some messages saying she'd be a little late and she had only been waiting a little bit in the lobby. We sat and talked about possible plans. And she asked if we could do a pedicure and perhaps talk more while we do that. Sounded good to me. Especially since I was originally going to be doing pedicures today for my other friend.
As far as Salon Fair goes, I'm participating. I have a model. I'm gonna just wing it. I'm not competing. I'm not trying to impress anyone. I need to remind myself that I didn't go to school to put on a show. I just want to do something nice for my model and hopefully do something that makes her feel beautiful when she walks down the catwalk carpet. I guess its more important to me that she feels like a Queen than to be check marked into the role. If I have to I'll go find an old wooden clothes pin and go old school Robert on them all.
Thanks for reading
I Love you all <3
~ No Tangles ~
Day 168 & 169 ~ Gotta Keep Rolling ~ 4/4/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 168 & 169 ~ Gotta Keep Rolling ~ 4/4/14
1175 Hours
79 Guests
Thursday Classroom Day: Professional Image Day 2 - We went over how to work on our resumes a bit. I need to redo mine a bit so it has more fancy words. Gotta at least do that before Tuesday in prep for Wednesday's Salon Fair. In the afternoon my friend B let me do a manicure for her for a credit.Shout out to my friend J for bringing some cupcakes in to celebrate my birthday which was Monday when we weren't in school.
After school I needed to stop at CosmoProf and while there I bought some OPI Purple With A Purpose polish. So here's the left hand. It does seem to dry a lot faster than some of the others I've been trying. I hope. Everytime I put polish back on I feel re-energized a bit. Its like I'm the guy from Superman 4. Only not so negatively charged.
Performance Floor Friday: My model was supposed to come today for a prep day or practise run but she couldn't make it. My guests for tomorrow had to cancel as well. So I was in a bit of a scramble mode today trying to see what I could do. But as it turns out I might have my model come tomorrow so we'll see what happens. While I was waiting to hear from her I was trying to fill the time since I'd been blocked off from having other guests. I was attempting a few things with my manikin to see if I could do what I'm thinking of doing theme wise. Mrs E came by and saw me messing with a plastic / magnetic roller and suggested I try the hot rollers. I didn't tell her anything about my real plans but since I was in a state of Blah I figured I might as well. So I did some things with them and she gave me a credit. Which I needed. I was originally going to have Mrs D taken care of by the other student A since my model might have been there long enough to cut into Mrs D's time. But when Mrs D arrived all parties came to agreement that I would perform. So I did and it was another nice afternoon with my buddy. I like that I get to walk her to her car. Its one of those things that I want to keep doing when given the chance for any guest. That's the kind of resume I'm trying to build.
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1175 Hours
79 Guests
Thursday Classroom Day: Professional Image Day 2 - We went over how to work on our resumes a bit. I need to redo mine a bit so it has more fancy words. Gotta at least do that before Tuesday in prep for Wednesday's Salon Fair. In the afternoon my friend B let me do a manicure for her for a credit.Shout out to my friend J for bringing some cupcakes in to celebrate my birthday which was Monday when we weren't in school.
After school I needed to stop at CosmoProf and while there I bought some OPI Purple With A Purpose polish. So here's the left hand. It does seem to dry a lot faster than some of the others I've been trying. I hope. Everytime I put polish back on I feel re-energized a bit. Its like I'm the guy from Superman 4. Only not so negatively charged.
Performance Floor Friday: My model was supposed to come today for a prep day or practise run but she couldn't make it. My guests for tomorrow had to cancel as well. So I was in a bit of a scramble mode today trying to see what I could do. But as it turns out I might have my model come tomorrow so we'll see what happens. While I was waiting to hear from her I was trying to fill the time since I'd been blocked off from having other guests. I was attempting a few things with my manikin to see if I could do what I'm thinking of doing theme wise. Mrs E came by and saw me messing with a plastic / magnetic roller and suggested I try the hot rollers. I didn't tell her anything about my real plans but since I was in a state of Blah I figured I might as well. So I did some things with them and she gave me a credit. Which I needed. I was originally going to have Mrs D taken care of by the other student A since my model might have been there long enough to cut into Mrs D's time. But when Mrs D arrived all parties came to agreement that I would perform. So I did and it was another nice afternoon with my buddy. I like that I get to walk her to her car. Its one of those things that I want to keep doing when given the chance for any guest. That's the kind of resume I'm trying to build.
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I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Day 166 & 167 ~ Soft Hands ~ 4/2/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 166 & 167 ~ Soft Hands ~ 4/2/14
1161 Hours
78 Guests
Tuesday Classroom: We started Professional Image and Laws & Rules. This is now my second time having Mrs V for class. Last time was for the highlighting haircolor. I only had her for that portion because of the way the holidays played with the curriculum timing. It was a theory day all day but we did some activities to go with it. The timing for this is good because tomorrow / Thursday we'll be going over resumes in prep for Salon Fair when the owners visit.
Wednesday Performance Floor: I was going to bring my friend for a facial today but she wasn't feeling well so we'll try again soon. But I also had been given a pedicure to do with a regular Regency guest. It was one of two people under the same name so it was a toss up as to which I would get. This was the first pedicure I have done for someone I'd never met before. I had a few that were supposed to happen for people I had met on FB that would have been a first in person meeting but this was the first unknown stranger one. But I knew they had been here before for other pedicures so at the very least I knew they knew it was a school etc. I'm happy to report that things went well. Because there were two guests it meant that another student was right next to me and there were four of us. So that would have helped a bit had things been a bit more nervous. But this was a great first chance. The guest was very helpful and at ease. And I wasn't being a klutzso I got through it just fine. I actually did a good job with the polish. I barely had to clean up anything from the skin. Heck I get more on my own fingers painting my own fingernails. While I was giving the massage she said "You should do physical therapy. You have soft hands" both to me and telling her friend. I'm hoping she books me again. I gave my card. I really do enjoy giving these non hair services too. I hope I can get in at a salon that will let me do the whole range that I'm licensed for. I don't want to miss out on any chance to do something nice for the people who would let me. Because I'm not holding myself back. I love what I do and can do.
Today's assignment was partial foils. According to our service menu that's up to 20 foils so I counted out 20 to make sure I got em all. Then I decided I wanted to use real color. But I didn't want to have to lighten first so I used Sabrina, a manikin I got from eBay that already has blonde hair. I was in a mood to experiment. Going through the box of leftover color tubes I pulled out 44/65, 0/66, 0/65, and 77/45. Basically anything that said something about violet on them. However the tubes did not all have the same amount in them so I couldn't do equal parts. So I started out by squeezing .37 oz of one trying to get .36. The small tube only had .15. That gave me a total of .52. So I decided to take .26 from each of the other two to get another .52. Then I put in 1.04 of 20 vol developer since I was using the Koleston colors and its a 1:1 ratio. When I first mixed it in the bowl it had a bit of a peach color to it and then started turning pink. I was wondering if I had made pink. It got a violet red color at the end. Which made sense since some of them are violet reds. But the bit that got on my finger was an orange color so I was wondering if it would be orange. But in the end after it started drying I saw that it had a dark purple color to it similar to the purple that was made before. Only this had the red showing too. So here's some pictures I took at home. They aren't the best lighting. One is from my phone the others are from the camera.
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1161 Hours
78 Guests
Tuesday Classroom: We started Professional Image and Laws & Rules. This is now my second time having Mrs V for class. Last time was for the highlighting haircolor. I only had her for that portion because of the way the holidays played with the curriculum timing. It was a theory day all day but we did some activities to go with it. The timing for this is good because tomorrow / Thursday we'll be going over resumes in prep for Salon Fair when the owners visit.
Wednesday Performance Floor: I was going to bring my friend for a facial today but she wasn't feeling well so we'll try again soon. But I also had been given a pedicure to do with a regular Regency guest. It was one of two people under the same name so it was a toss up as to which I would get. This was the first pedicure I have done for someone I'd never met before. I had a few that were supposed to happen for people I had met on FB that would have been a first in person meeting but this was the first unknown stranger one. But I knew they had been here before for other pedicures so at the very least I knew they knew it was a school etc. I'm happy to report that things went well. Because there were two guests it meant that another student was right next to me and there were four of us. So that would have helped a bit had things been a bit more nervous. But this was a great first chance. The guest was very helpful and at ease. And I wasn't being a klutzso I got through it just fine. I actually did a good job with the polish. I barely had to clean up anything from the skin. Heck I get more on my own fingers painting my own fingernails. While I was giving the massage she said "You should do physical therapy. You have soft hands" both to me and telling her friend. I'm hoping she books me again. I gave my card. I really do enjoy giving these non hair services too. I hope I can get in at a salon that will let me do the whole range that I'm licensed for. I don't want to miss out on any chance to do something nice for the people who would let me. Because I'm not holding myself back. I love what I do and can do.
Today's assignment was partial foils. According to our service menu that's up to 20 foils so I counted out 20 to make sure I got em all. Then I decided I wanted to use real color. But I didn't want to have to lighten first so I used Sabrina, a manikin I got from eBay that already has blonde hair. I was in a mood to experiment. Going through the box of leftover color tubes I pulled out 44/65, 0/66, 0/65, and 77/45. Basically anything that said something about violet on them. However the tubes did not all have the same amount in them so I couldn't do equal parts. So I started out by squeezing .37 oz of one trying to get .36. The small tube only had .15. That gave me a total of .52. So I decided to take .26 from each of the other two to get another .52. Then I put in 1.04 of 20 vol developer since I was using the Koleston colors and its a 1:1 ratio. When I first mixed it in the bowl it had a bit of a peach color to it and then started turning pink. I was wondering if I had made pink. It got a violet red color at the end. Which made sense since some of them are violet reds. But the bit that got on my finger was an orange color so I was wondering if it would be orange. But in the end after it started drying I saw that it had a dark purple color to it similar to the purple that was made before. Only this had the red showing too. So here's some pictures I took at home. They aren't the best lighting. One is from my phone the others are from the camera.
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Monday, March 31, 2014
Day 163, 164, 165 ~ 350 Vs 350 ~ 3/28/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 163, 164, 165 ~ 350 Vs 350 ~ 3/28/14
1147 Hours
77 Guests
In Michigan it takes 350 hours of school to be legal to work on the public with instructors. I'm now looking at the second Legal in 353 hours. That's 10 weeks and half a day left.
"Weren't you just in here for your tour?" Mrs S said something like that the other day when she called me in to chat about my progress for 1125 hours / 75%. I was thinking that she was going to mention something about me being behind in my practicals but all I heard were words of praise. I was the one to bring up that I needed to catch up on them. She knows what I've been doing to try to bring people in. She's seen the change in me from the person who was still trying to get over the past failure and take the chance to the person I am now. I still don't believe how much has happened. I remember sitting in that lobby when I walked in for the tour and looking at the ceiling towards the performance floor. There's a space between that wall and the higher ceiling. I was listening to the music and noticing it was a bit different than the Kroger music. But I was also wondering what its going to be like to be on the other side of that wall. Will I be ok? Will I redeem myself? Will I be doomed to fumble again. Will I be able to twirl an iron or will they still be too bulky or heavy? Will I actually get to finish haircuts without the instructor taking over? Will my back give me problems from bending over the sinks? It's getting harder to remember some of that old stuff. I have to actually try to remember it. But those thoughts don't have to haunt me anymore. I can actually laugh a bit about them now. They don't hurt. In any case she helped lift some weight off my mind. I'm not behind. The numbers might look big but I'll get what I need. Of course that's thanks to those who are coming in to help.
Ok I started this entry the other day so what I wrote before was then. Now its Monday night and I'm trying to remember what happened for those three days. I was on desk for Wednesday and Friday. On Thursday we took the Haircutting 1 / Principles of Hair Design quiz. I got one wrong for 95%. It was one of those where I knew the answer but the choices were using two words that were both used by the teacher to explain it. So I 50/50'd it and chose wrong. But I thought I was answering a bunch more wrong so when I saw one wrong I was a bit satisfied. Since I did my rubric on Tuesday it was my turn to work on a manikin while the others took theirs. I did marcel iron curls. We start the Professional Development segment tomorrow with Mrs V. Mrs E and Mrs C will be out on the floor. And its gonna be time to start prepping for the Salon Fair which is Wednesday the 9th. Gotta get my resume in order. Its not quite the same as it was a few months back. At least not from my point of view.
I am now 38. Or 19 again :)
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1147 Hours
77 Guests
In Michigan it takes 350 hours of school to be legal to work on the public with instructors. I'm now looking at the second Legal in 353 hours. That's 10 weeks and half a day left.
"Weren't you just in here for your tour?" Mrs S said something like that the other day when she called me in to chat about my progress for 1125 hours / 75%. I was thinking that she was going to mention something about me being behind in my practicals but all I heard were words of praise. I was the one to bring up that I needed to catch up on them. She knows what I've been doing to try to bring people in. She's seen the change in me from the person who was still trying to get over the past failure and take the chance to the person I am now. I still don't believe how much has happened. I remember sitting in that lobby when I walked in for the tour and looking at the ceiling towards the performance floor. There's a space between that wall and the higher ceiling. I was listening to the music and noticing it was a bit different than the Kroger music. But I was also wondering what its going to be like to be on the other side of that wall. Will I be ok? Will I redeem myself? Will I be doomed to fumble again. Will I be able to twirl an iron or will they still be too bulky or heavy? Will I actually get to finish haircuts without the instructor taking over? Will my back give me problems from bending over the sinks? It's getting harder to remember some of that old stuff. I have to actually try to remember it. But those thoughts don't have to haunt me anymore. I can actually laugh a bit about them now. They don't hurt. In any case she helped lift some weight off my mind. I'm not behind. The numbers might look big but I'll get what I need. Of course that's thanks to those who are coming in to help.
Ok I started this entry the other day so what I wrote before was then. Now its Monday night and I'm trying to remember what happened for those three days. I was on desk for Wednesday and Friday. On Thursday we took the Haircutting 1 / Principles of Hair Design quiz. I got one wrong for 95%. It was one of those where I knew the answer but the choices were using two words that were both used by the teacher to explain it. So I 50/50'd it and chose wrong. But I thought I was answering a bunch more wrong so when I saw one wrong I was a bit satisfied. Since I did my rubric on Tuesday it was my turn to work on a manikin while the others took theirs. I did marcel iron curls. We start the Professional Development segment tomorrow with Mrs V. Mrs E and Mrs C will be out on the floor. And its gonna be time to start prepping for the Salon Fair which is Wednesday the 9th. Gotta get my resume in order. Its not quite the same as it was a few months back. At least not from my point of view.
I am now 38. Or 19 again :)
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Day 162 ~ Rubrics Square ~ 3/25/14
Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 162 ~ Rubrics Square ~ 3/25/14
1126 Hours
77 Guests
So I hit that hour mark of 1125 for the 75% but I don't have the practicals done to get the Star pin for it. So lets see how long that takes. I've got 374 hours left. That's 10 weeks, 3 days, and 3 hours. 29 of those days are days I can have a guest. The rest are classroom days, Salon fair days, and tomorrow and friday on desk. That's if I don't have another week of desk or dispense coming. If I don't miss a day or have another school closing day those last 3 hours will be on Tuesday June 10th with the celebrating being on Friday the 13th. That's if I have my work done by then.
Tuesday Classroom Day: Day 1 of Rubrics for Haircutting.
A friend that I gave a haircut to on New Years Day came today to be a model for my haircutting rubric test. I cut her hair last time from longer than shoulders to just below in a one length. This time I had to do some sort of layered cut for the test. I could not do a one length trim unless I then did the other cuts after that. My options were a 90 degree Round Layers, a Graduated / Wedge Bob type or a Square layer cut. There's two versions of the square layer to choose from. One being pull the hair straight back from the head and the other being pull it straight up from the head. My friend wasn't trying to go too short and I was trying to help her keep her length where I left it last time. I had my manikin from last Thursday to show her what the straight back square layers looked like. That was the best option because the bottom length is the guide. It does make lots of layers in the back going upward and gives some graduation. But the bottom perimeter stays where it was and so does the sides. With a few exceptions. Any hair that when pulled back passes the guide is going to be cut. So its a matter of if something grew enough to reach past. In this case there was a little bit. I did the cut and met the time the test gives and I passed. But more important to me is that it looked nice on her. As I just stated school will be over soon. So I am being mindful that I need to give nice hairstyles and service to my guests whether its a test or not. I've been very fortunate to meet the friends I have that have had services done. I'd like to continue to see them after I finish school.
This was my last rubric. It seems kinda strange now being on this side of it. When I read those other blogs last year about those other students and they mentioned having to get models for rubrics. Such a funny word too. I know it may sound like a broken record to some but I have accomplished something that I thought I would not be able to do. I was too scared. I think back to my meat department job and trying to get myself to open my mouth to talk to the customers. Looking back at it the best thing that could have happened was for them to rearrange the store a month or so after I started in that department after leaving nights. Because every customer needed help. And for years after that they still did. So it made it easier for me to just open up and ask as they came around the corner from the dairy aisle if they needed help finding anything. And then no matter what it was I went to find it with them. To me it was also a bit of a karma thing. No matter how obscure the item was if I didn't go find it I knew it was going to be asked for really soon after that so I might as well find it. Anyway, I had 6 Rehearsal Rubrics: Relaxers, Male Haircutting, Highlighting, Perm, Haircolor, and Haircutting. For the first two, relaxer and male haircut we were allowed to do them on a manikin. But after that Regency reminded their campuses that they wanted to require we use live models. So I had no choice. And the reality is that its not fair for me to expect other students to let me use them as a model if I'm not willing to be a model myself. I have done some things that I held back from doing to my hair but going shorter is not an option right now. And I don't want layers. But I know that being able to have guests request me was a big factor in coming to Regency. I needed this chance to try this before getting to a salon and possibly failing at bringing models in. 3 out of 4 of my models are people I met in December or later. I was told I had to have a model and I was fortunate enough to have it work out. I'm trying not to say I did it, I did it because the models had to do their part. I am thankful to them. I had a model for a perm. Someone let me squirt dangerous chemicals on their head. That's a scary thing. I'm glad I had some previous chances before the classroom test. I had people let me change the color of their hair. So I'm looking at all these words I keep typing. The huge paragraphs. I guess I just needed to know that people would trust me. That they would give me the chance. I didn't know if I had the talent or skill or speed. But I remember back to the day I got my kit. I don't care which tools may or may not have been the cheap ones or what has or hasn't broken yet. What I do care about is that I wanted the chance to use those tools. I wanted to see if I could make some pretty with them. I've been fortunate to be able to say that I have used all of my tools. I'm happy to say that even includes a diffuser that does not come with my kit. I'm really glad I bought that.
So I guess the bottom line is that yes I have some fear that I'm not going to finish on time. But there are some facts about that. One, I have things I'm going to try to solve that problem. Two, some of you have already offered to help. Three, I'm going to finish no matter what the month is.
I still have a long way to go skill wise. I know that the skills are amped up in the salon. But what I'm realizing is that I don't just have the passion or desire to use my tools. I'm trying not to sound arrogant to say this but I feel like I have talent. Or an eye for it. But I do still have some hurdles to overcome. Only these days when I think about them I just kinda laugh about them. They aren't hundred foot high hurdles. More like the size of a mirror....
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
1126 Hours
77 Guests
So I hit that hour mark of 1125 for the 75% but I don't have the practicals done to get the Star pin for it. So lets see how long that takes. I've got 374 hours left. That's 10 weeks, 3 days, and 3 hours. 29 of those days are days I can have a guest. The rest are classroom days, Salon fair days, and tomorrow and friday on desk. That's if I don't have another week of desk or dispense coming. If I don't miss a day or have another school closing day those last 3 hours will be on Tuesday June 10th with the celebrating being on Friday the 13th. That's if I have my work done by then.
Tuesday Classroom Day: Day 1 of Rubrics for Haircutting.
A friend that I gave a haircut to on New Years Day came today to be a model for my haircutting rubric test. I cut her hair last time from longer than shoulders to just below in a one length. This time I had to do some sort of layered cut for the test. I could not do a one length trim unless I then did the other cuts after that. My options were a 90 degree Round Layers, a Graduated / Wedge Bob type or a Square layer cut. There's two versions of the square layer to choose from. One being pull the hair straight back from the head and the other being pull it straight up from the head. My friend wasn't trying to go too short and I was trying to help her keep her length where I left it last time. I had my manikin from last Thursday to show her what the straight back square layers looked like. That was the best option because the bottom length is the guide. It does make lots of layers in the back going upward and gives some graduation. But the bottom perimeter stays where it was and so does the sides. With a few exceptions. Any hair that when pulled back passes the guide is going to be cut. So its a matter of if something grew enough to reach past. In this case there was a little bit. I did the cut and met the time the test gives and I passed. But more important to me is that it looked nice on her. As I just stated school will be over soon. So I am being mindful that I need to give nice hairstyles and service to my guests whether its a test or not. I've been very fortunate to meet the friends I have that have had services done. I'd like to continue to see them after I finish school.
This was my last rubric. It seems kinda strange now being on this side of it. When I read those other blogs last year about those other students and they mentioned having to get models for rubrics. Such a funny word too. I know it may sound like a broken record to some but I have accomplished something that I thought I would not be able to do. I was too scared. I think back to my meat department job and trying to get myself to open my mouth to talk to the customers. Looking back at it the best thing that could have happened was for them to rearrange the store a month or so after I started in that department after leaving nights. Because every customer needed help. And for years after that they still did. So it made it easier for me to just open up and ask as they came around the corner from the dairy aisle if they needed help finding anything. And then no matter what it was I went to find it with them. To me it was also a bit of a karma thing. No matter how obscure the item was if I didn't go find it I knew it was going to be asked for really soon after that so I might as well find it. Anyway, I had 6 Rehearsal Rubrics: Relaxers, Male Haircutting, Highlighting, Perm, Haircolor, and Haircutting. For the first two, relaxer and male haircut we were allowed to do them on a manikin. But after that Regency reminded their campuses that they wanted to require we use live models. So I had no choice. And the reality is that its not fair for me to expect other students to let me use them as a model if I'm not willing to be a model myself. I have done some things that I held back from doing to my hair but going shorter is not an option right now. And I don't want layers. But I know that being able to have guests request me was a big factor in coming to Regency. I needed this chance to try this before getting to a salon and possibly failing at bringing models in. 3 out of 4 of my models are people I met in December or later. I was told I had to have a model and I was fortunate enough to have it work out. I'm trying not to say I did it, I did it because the models had to do their part. I am thankful to them. I had a model for a perm. Someone let me squirt dangerous chemicals on their head. That's a scary thing. I'm glad I had some previous chances before the classroom test. I had people let me change the color of their hair. So I'm looking at all these words I keep typing. The huge paragraphs. I guess I just needed to know that people would trust me. That they would give me the chance. I didn't know if I had the talent or skill or speed. But I remember back to the day I got my kit. I don't care which tools may or may not have been the cheap ones or what has or hasn't broken yet. What I do care about is that I wanted the chance to use those tools. I wanted to see if I could make some pretty with them. I've been fortunate to be able to say that I have used all of my tools. I'm happy to say that even includes a diffuser that does not come with my kit. I'm really glad I bought that.
So I guess the bottom line is that yes I have some fear that I'm not going to finish on time. But there are some facts about that. One, I have things I'm going to try to solve that problem. Two, some of you have already offered to help. Three, I'm going to finish no matter what the month is.
I still have a long way to go skill wise. I know that the skills are amped up in the salon. But what I'm realizing is that I don't just have the passion or desire to use my tools. I'm trying not to sound arrogant to say this but I feel like I have talent. Or an eye for it. But I do still have some hurdles to overcome. Only these days when I think about them I just kinda laugh about them. They aren't hundred foot high hurdles. More like the size of a mirror....
Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~
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