Pictures at the end today ;)
As I was driving to school Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in The Wall" was playing.
Some of us do need an education but the right one for us is key.
Last night I shaved my entire face for the first time ever. I still have stubble showing but I was trying not to show up with a bunch of cuts. I'm not hiding my upper lip scar anymore.
Its Friday so first thing was Celebrations out on the Performance Salon Floor.
I now have 4 straight 100% attendance weeks. I'm aiming for several more. Now I've got 2 frogs and 2 butterflies.
Then it was dance time and I got up and did my usual fumble about. Some of the new students might have joined in but I don't recall for sure.
After that was some workbook theory on facial massage and then we played a slide show flash card type trivia game. We took turns going to the back of the room and looking the opposite way, away from the screen. Then the others had to give clues to your word. I had Friction which is a massage movement.
I guessed mine in time. Then it was break time.
After break we did theory on makeup and makeup & skin color.
Then we watched a DVD for the Youngblood products we use. That took us until Lunch.
At Lunch I posted to FB: Waiting to get pretty — feeling ready. :)
I'm not sure if she was a customer or a family visitor of a student but a lady came outside with her toddler and he was eating some animal crackers. After a while he dropped a piece and I made a surpised sound and then his Mom said something about him being shy so I used the icebreaker to share my Not shy anymore bit and story of going back to school. I'd have talked to her more but her phone kept interrupting her ;)
After lunch it was time for applying and receiving makeup on each other. However we had an odd number so I was left without a giving partner. I knew who was going to apply mine but had no clue who I would be applying to. In the meantime I was helping Mrs J get the rest of the product set up because she was going back and forth to get more colors.
Then she said she was going to go get me a client or partner. (It was one of the two, although I think she said client.)
She returned with a rehersal student with an S name. So she sat in the chair and I said Welcome to regency and draped her and here's where the "fun" began. She had picked up a magazine and was flipping through it so I wasn't sure if she was wanting to read it or if she was looking for a makeup idea. It was reading. With Mrs J's help we chose S's colors and then I set about to try to apply it. I was lost. S was trying to walk me through it but I had this gut feeling like she didn't want to be there. So now I was feeling lost and unsure. Anyway I fumbled through the primer and I was about to put foundation on when she said conealer first. Then she said use the fan brush to apply it. I could have sworn I read in the book earlier that I was supposed to use a small tipped brush. So I fumble around with getting the product and trying to brush it under her right eye with the fan brush and its break time.
On break I posted to FB: I chose challenged because its less negative than other words. Trying to stay focused. Guess I needed this break —
feeling challenged.

I was trying to avoid Lost, or Confused or something else. I wasn't just lost with her but earlier in the day while doing the book theory there was all sorts of chatter about who does what whatever way and here I am sitting here clueless as to what the procedure is let alone how to choose a color or any of it. And then I get to the procedure and can't get going as usual.
I had enough time before class got started again to listen to Dare and The Touch songs on my phone and try to get focused. That's when it hit me. Textbook. The step by step is there with pictures.
S got back and sat in the chair and proceeded to put the cape on herself. I didn't realize that was what she was doing. I thought she was messing with something else. I go over to grab the cape from the table and see her trying to snap it on. I said as best I could calmly "I don't mean to be rude but I'm feeling worthless enough right now. Can I please do this." and things went better. First I picked up the small brush and did the concealer on the other eye with it. Seemed to work much better. Then following along with the book and with S's help and Mrs J's help because I was asking for help I got through and S looked really nice. I stayed within the lines. Much easier than nail polish. Mrs J helped blend a bit but I did some on the other side. Mrs J was almost hesitant to ask if she could help me. Much different than what I was experiencing the past few weeks. But I was happy she wanted to help and I'm not as stubborn about that as I was. I know this school is going to teach me so I'm ok now with teachers helping me. They're not going to let me slide by or do it all themselves.
I learned today that there is a future for me in doing makeup. I've got the procedure in the noggin now. I may need a refresher but its there. And My hands and tools did the job without messing it up.I'd love to bring some clients in to the school for it. We do offer it as a service. Its kinda odd but I'm wanting to try getting people in for makeup and nails and then offering the hair services. But any combo would be fun.
I did tell S that "I really apreciate this" when done. The procedure might have been awkward but I appreciate the heck out of anyone who helps me out whether it was their idea or not. I don't know what the conversation was like when Mrs J went to get someone for me. But whatever it was and however this turned out it was my first try and its a pleasant memory. If you're ever reading this S, thank you.
Now lets get on to the other fun part.
(There's a Ju, Jo, & Ja name) had said she would do my makeup for me. So I let her have at it. There were only two purple color shade to choose from. So I had both of those and there was one green color. She did an awesome job. After we were all done we cleaned up and there was more dancing on the floor for a graduate so I got to go fumble about some more in a good way. :)
I have my foundation for doing makeup. And I'm wearing it. Monday is the quiz and the Facial rubric and then we start on Perms and chemicals and such next week.
Today's hair was this with my 2 multicolored pom pom bands from Gymboree both in the same spot to make them fuller. I figured I'd go with some colors to go with the colors I was going to get later in the day. Plus it was my choice to go with for dancing.
Here we have me without the facial hair and then both afters of the makeup with & without glasses.
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