We started today with theory review on haircutting and then we took a quiz. I got 9 out of 10 for 90%.
As usual the one I was confused on is the one I missed but its one I won't miss again.
After the quiz we started to watch a video with Linda demonstrating the graduated bob cut which is like an A-Line Bob or is one.
Break came and then after break we finished the video. Then we set up using Penelope #1 from Monday's one length cuts and we gave her an even shorter one length cut to start with. Except that I thought I had started her cut at the bottom of her next and it turns out I was touching the calmp ring. So after I got through about half of the back Mrs. C saw that I hadn't cut enough and then I got to work on the big trim. I got it done before lunch. I was a bit behind others but I did extra cutting so it wasn't too bad.
After lunch Mrs. C did her own demo of the cut and then we went about cutting the graduated bobs. I was doing just fine with mine. I got all the way up the back and into the top and even into the right side. Then she said it was break time so i went over to see her showing C how to do hers and that's when I realized that she wasn't holding the top hair as far up as I was. So all through break I was kicking myself because I knew I cut too much. But at the end of break I perked up a bit because I knew Mrs C would take care of me.
So I walked in there and said "Could you come over and check this, I think I messed up on top here." and she said something about how she was already checking it and it was fine. So I went to work on the other side and when I got up to the top again she came over to tell me I wasn't holding the hair down by the other hair and that's when I told her that I had done that to the other side and that was what I wanted her to check. So we got it all starightened out, no big deal. and then I got to work blowing her dry. As I said a few minutes ago, at least now I know how to do both versions. And that was another nice ending to a fun day. I'm now up to 7 haircuts done. Tomorrow we're supposed to do the round cut and that will be fun.
Style of the day was a tail with my purple pom pom bands from Gymboree.
And here are the after pictures of Penelope's Graduated Bob.

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