Thursday, June 27, 2013

I admit it I admitted myself to the Admissions.

As of today I am officially once again a brand new cosmetology student.
I start July 22nd, 2013 at a Detroit area location of Regency Beauty Institute.

The place is awesome and its exactly what I'm looking for.

So this journal is officially a Cosmetology School Journal and Journey now. (Journey is playing on the radio right now :) )


  1. Thanks Angelic, You're the first person to comment :)

  2. You, are welcome.. and as a person who has some form of cosmetology background, may I ask for advice? I broke the corner of a fingernail completely off. Like, it flew off somewhere and I couldn't find it. I had to file the jagged edges and now I'm torn on what to do. Should I reconstruct the nail or should I just cut all my nails to match? I have really thin nails and I'm afraid that reconstructing it with an enhancement will only weaken the whole thing and make growing out the damage even longer. :(

    1. If you have some top coat perhaps put some of that on to help keep it from getting worse

  3. Well, I am limited in my nail knowledge but speaking from a comfort standpoint I would say try to do as little as possible. If these are your natural nails I'd say try to make sure that one is as snag free as possible.
    How far grown out are they?

  4. About quarter of an inch. Its a big deal for me since I have been unable to get a free edge until this year. While they're stronger than before, they're still pretty fragile. This nail had already broken and I had it repaired but I guess I didn't put enough of the nail glue/powder over the stress point as I should have. It cracked at work and I was babying it until I could come home to redo the repair. I filed all the snaggly edges but it just.. looks.. sad. :(

    1. I bet you next time that's gonna be the best one.

    2. How are you doing? Is it better?

  5. If you're on FB you can reach me at
    And we can chat a bit easier
