Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 147 & 148 ~ Marching Forward ~ 3/5/14

Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 147 & 148 ~ Marching Forward ~ 3/5/14

1030 Hours
69 Guests

Tuesday Classroom: Haircolor 1 - We have Mrs E again for classroom. In the morning we did mostly talking theory and some highlighting of the book. In the afternoon we had the guest speaker from Wella back again. She was here in the fall and she had us doing the herringbone pattern foils on the top front of the head.   I wrote about that in October for Day 71
This time she showed some different pictures of color placement patterns. Basically each model has 4 colors used and they are staggered in some way whether its dividing up a triangle section or more than one triangle. Or something else. Then we divided into groups and each was given one of the pictures of a model and we had to describe how we would do something similar on one of our manikins. We didn't actually do it.

Wednesday Performance Floor: My turn in Dispense Room. I'm dispensing products and washing towels this week. The Wella speaker was on the floor this morning like she was last time but we weren't doing an assignment with her like then. Our assignment was simply a full head of foils. The lady was only there to help us out if we had a guest who was getting color. Mrs V told us to get on FB and try to get guests in but I couldn't because I was in dispense. I also did not get any foils done because I was too busy doing the job of dispense. I ripped at least 300 foils in half. Maybe on Friday I'll get something done. Or Saturday.

In the meantime I'm trying to stay focused. I'm trying to refocus. The other day reminded me that I still have a lot to learn. I need to figure out these colors. I need to be able to type out 4/75 or 3/9 and know what that is. And then I need to know what happens if I mix those two. Along with all the other combos. The problem is I have to learn that hands on somehow. Either I have to make myself some sort of fill in the blank or matchup worksheet or I have to actually buy them and try them. I gotta think of something because its getting annoying. If I'm not supposed to know these yet I wish someone would tell me because everytime someone opens their mouth at school its as if they all know it. Think of it this way, when I look at the colors in my little booklet it looks like a periodic table of elements. But the numbers and color shades are all over the place. However, I'm going to figure it out. I'm going to find a way to teach myself if I can't just learn it by looking at it. For example: 33/66 is supposed to be a purple color. But if I mix 33/ and /66 will I also get purple? I need to know this.

I hope it warms up soon. I need to start handing out my cards again. I need to start getting myself in that mind set again. I've handed a few out to some waitresses lately but not the amount I was doing. I need to bring people in to the school period. I have things I need to finish and I'd prefer to do them for real. I'm trying to stay focused on that positively. Its starting to feel like I'm running out of time. I'm still amazed by what has actually happened though. I guess the way I'm looking at it is I've got three passenger cars on my positive train and they are marked March, April, and May and I need to see if I can get some people to ride.

Thanks for reading
Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~

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