Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 163, 164, 165 ~ 350 Vs 350 ~ 3/28/14

Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 163, 164, 165 ~ 350 Vs 350 ~ 3/28/14

1147 Hours
77 Guests

In Michigan it takes 350 hours of school to be legal to work on the public with instructors. I'm now looking at the second Legal in 353 hours. That's 10 weeks and half a day left.
 "Weren't you just in here for your tour?" Mrs S said something like that the other day when she called me in to chat about my progress for 1125 hours / 75%. I was thinking that she was going to mention something about me being behind in my practicals but all I heard were words of praise. I was the one to bring up that I needed to catch up on them. She knows what I've been doing to try to bring people in. She's seen the change in me from the person who was still trying to get over the past failure and take the chance to the person I am now. I still don't believe how much has happened. I remember sitting in that lobby when I walked in for the tour and looking at the ceiling towards the performance floor. There's a space between that wall and the higher ceiling. I was listening to the music and noticing it was a bit different than the Kroger music. But I was also wondering what its going to be like to be on the other side of that wall. Will I be ok? Will I redeem myself? Will I be doomed to fumble again. Will I be able to twirl an iron or will they still be too bulky or heavy? Will I actually get to finish haircuts without the instructor taking over? Will my back give me problems from bending over the sinks? It's getting harder to remember some of that old stuff. I have to actually try to remember it. But those thoughts don't have to haunt me anymore. I can actually laugh a bit about them now. They don't hurt. In any case she helped lift some weight off my mind. I'm not behind. The numbers might look big but I'll get what I need. Of course that's thanks to those who are coming in to help.

Ok I started this entry the other day so what I wrote before was then. Now its Monday night and I'm trying to remember what happened for those three days. I was on desk for Wednesday and Friday. On Thursday we took the Haircutting 1 / Principles of Hair Design quiz. I got one wrong for 95%. It was one of those where I knew the answer but the choices were using two words that were both used by the teacher to explain it. So I 50/50'd it and chose wrong. But I thought I was answering a bunch more wrong so when I saw one wrong I was a bit satisfied.  Since I did my rubric on Tuesday it was my turn to work on a manikin while the others took theirs. I did marcel iron curls. We start the Professional Development segment tomorrow with Mrs V. Mrs E and Mrs C will be out on the floor. And its gonna be time to start prepping for the Salon Fair which is Wednesday the 9th. Gotta get my resume in order. Its not quite the same as it was a few months back. At least not from my point of view.

I am now 38. Or 19 again :)

Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~

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