Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Day 166 & 167 ~ Soft Hands ~ 4/2/14

Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 166 & 167 ~ Soft Hands ~ 4/2/14

1161 Hours
78 Guests

Tuesday Classroom: We started Professional Image and Laws & Rules. This is now my second time having Mrs V for class. Last time was for the highlighting haircolor. I only had her for that portion because of the way the holidays played with the curriculum timing. It was a theory day all day but we did some activities to go with it. The timing for this is good because tomorrow / Thursday we'll be going over resumes in prep for Salon Fair when the owners visit.

Wednesday Performance Floor: I was going to bring my friend for a facial today but she wasn't feeling well so we'll try again soon. But I also had been given a pedicure to do with a regular Regency guest. It was one of two people under the same name so it was a toss up as to which I would get. This was the first pedicure I have done for someone I'd never met before. I had a few that were supposed to happen for people I had met on FB that would have been a first in person meeting but this was the first unknown stranger one. But I knew they had been here before for other pedicures so at the very least I knew they knew it was a school etc. I'm happy to report that things went well. Because there were two guests it meant that another student was right next to me and there were four of us. So that would have helped a bit had things been a bit more nervous. But this was a great first chance. The guest was very helpful and at ease. And I wasn't being a klutzso I got through it just fine. I actually did a good job with the polish. I barely had to clean up anything from the skin. Heck I get more on my own fingers painting my own fingernails. While I was giving the massage she said "You should do physical therapy. You have soft hands" both to me and telling her friend. I'm hoping she books me again. I gave my card. I really do enjoy giving these non hair services too. I hope I can get in at a salon that will let me do the whole range that I'm licensed for. I don't want to miss out on any chance to do something nice for the people who would let me. Because I'm not holding myself back. I love what I do and can do.

Today's assignment was partial foils. According to our service menu that's up to 20 foils so I counted out 20 to make sure I got em all. Then I decided I wanted to use real color. But I didn't want to have to lighten first so I used Sabrina, a manikin I got from eBay that already has blonde hair. I was in a mood to experiment. Going through the box of leftover color tubes I pulled out 44/65, 0/66, 0/65, and 77/45. Basically anything that said something about violet on them. However the tubes did not all have the same amount in them so I couldn't do equal parts. So I started out by squeezing .37 oz of one trying to get .36. The small tube only had .15. That gave me a total of .52. So I decided to take .26 from each of the other two to get another .52. Then I put in 1.04 of 20 vol developer since I was using the Koleston colors and its a 1:1 ratio. When I first mixed it in the bowl it had a bit of a peach color to it and then started turning pink. I was wondering if I had made pink. It got a violet red color at the end. Which made sense since some of them are violet reds. But the bit that got on my finger was an orange color so I was wondering if it would be orange. But in the end after it started drying I saw that it had a dark purple color to it similar to the purple that was made before. Only this had the red showing too. So here's some pictures I took at home. They aren't the best lighting. One is from my phone the others are from the camera.

Thanks for reading
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~

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