Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 114 & 115 ~ Happy New Year ~ 1/10/14

Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 114 & 115 ~ Happy New Year ~ 1/10/14

799 Hours

Its been a while. We were supposed to be off for just New Years Day but the below freezing temps had many Regency schools closed for days. On Janurary 2, the thursday to go back I showed up and the parking lot was empty and the building locked. I then realized that the number that called me from MN was Regency calling. Friday there was school but I ended my 113 day in a row streak by needing to call in sick. I was supposed to work the desk that day and I would not have been much good trying to answer the phones. It gave me a chance to take some meds that were ok for being drowsy.
I didn't have the Saturday or Monday this week so I was off for those. Then School was closed for Tuesday and Wednesday. So I was gone for 7 days straight.

Thursday Classroom Day: We're supposed to have Mrs C now for starting the Antaomy & Nails 1 portion but she was on a vacation day with the schedule being messed with again so we had Mrs J for class. We basically did theory on anatomy and then the second half of the day some that knew how did some acrylics while I was just practising gluing the nails onto a cornmeal filled glove. And then another. Then I applied some polish to practise that. I have people asking me if I know how to apply acrylics and I wish I could say yes but I just have this feeling like its going to take forever to learn it. I'm gonna have to pretty much teach myself because we've already lost a day in class by not being there Tuesday and the fact that anatomy is mixed in makes it harder to fit in the nail stuff. Anyway that was yesterday.

Today Friday Floor Day: There were barely any guests for anyone today and the first one for anyone was at 10. After the dancing and such Mrs L gave us a fun assignment. We had to partner up and then each partner could only use one arm to wrap a perm together. So me and my partner, A went to work on it. Got it done. Not exactly a perm that you would want to put solution on. But it was a full head. We got to pick a prize from the treasure box. There was a purple bow in there that is similar to pink one that Mrs Sherri gave me a few weeks ago and of course I chose that.  It was assumed I would by a few people.

I did not mention that in class on the 31st after the makeup stuff I worked on a roller set using yellow rollers. I did it on my Barbara manikin with the thicker amount of hair.
Today I took the rollers out while I was waiting on the chance that Mrs D was coming for her 1:30 set.
Then I brushed it serveral different ways to see what I could do with it. Turns out quite a lot. But here are the removed roller pics and one combout I got a pic of. I skipped the backcombing since I wasn't done trying things. Someday I might get over it and do some.

That's all for today. Mrs D did call and reschedule for tomorrow and I have a guest coming first thing for a haircut and some other things. Her history shows that she's a regular for cuts. Although she did have an updo her first time so who knows how long she keeps her hair. But that's tomorrow.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate it.
I Love You All <3
~ No Tangles ~

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