Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 24, Day 3 - They really are just feet not a pair of fins.

Today we continued with nails.

First we went over some of the theory again because Mrs. C was out of the room for her conference call yesterday and wanted to make sure we knew it.

Then we all did and recieved manicures again to get some more practice with them. Today I did lady classmate B' s nails and then she did mine. We had a couple colors to choose from so I went with pink. But they were tiny bottles so B was having trouble with the smoother one so she also used some of the glittery one.

We also did Pariffin wax dips so when my hands got dipped it looked like I had pink frosted donuts covered in white glaze. That stuff feels nice.

I also got to do the hand massage on B today.

Then after lunch we got into Pedicures.
I was going to have mine done first but S said he wanted his done today so I let him go first. So I gave a pedicure and a foot massage to another man for my first ever of either. I didn't do a pedicure at my old school. Its not on the state board and that school didn't offer them to clients.
I also Pariffin waxed his feet thus my pun above in the title "They really are just feet not a pair of fins."
And Mrs. C acknowledged me enthusiastically for being the first to finish the pedicure and massage. That included massaging his right foot twice because halfway I stopped and asked for clarification on one of the massage techniques and Mrs. C walked me through it and then I redid that foot and then the left.

We went over theory on nail disorders and diseases. at the end.

Also earlier in the day we went through a flip book of 8 quotes she had written about personal responsibility. We each picked the one that we felt best described what we felt and gave about a minute speech about which one we picked. I chose the one that best described how I was feeling yesterday since I'd been pretty much doing them already for the past 2 months on FB.
It all comes down to me knowing that I've got to not blame the past anymore. I am the one who sat in that chair not doing my work and I'm the one who stayed home and procrastinated that school into the past. But I'm taking the responsibility for that and whatever comes from now on. I'm done with blaming others or blaming places. That's the purge for today.

So with that being said, I get my pedicure tomorrow and I plan to get polish and there will be a picture on here of my feet with polish. I hope ;)

Day 3 was awesome. I had no problems at all reaching down there and doing my best to treat S like he was a long time guest and just following the procedure. You're just washing and rubbing some feet. If they don't have a disorder that prevents you from doing the service its nothing to be afraid of.

Today's hairstyle
I started with 6 checkered laces split into 3 pairs and I mixed them into the 3 strands of a regular braid. It didn't quite come out like I had hoped because of the restart halfway down but I just coiled it into a bun and bobby pinned it and off I went. I wore a black shirt with black pants today so my hair and shoes were the only white I had today. But I'm getting more comfy with the pins.

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