Today's Hair
This morning I said on FB "Ah lets see what I can do with this hair in less than 5 minutes. You know cuz long hair is so hard to do things with"
So I put a small purple band on my nape tail, braided the tail, swirled it into some sort of bun like creation and stuck about 5 Bobby pins in it. Then I took my Purple Jeweled Flower head band gizmo from Claires, made a figure 8 with it, folded it over and stretched the donut shape over the bun and here's the picture I took. Done.
This morning we started with practical work. We got set up and my Naomi was still wet from rinsing out her colesterol conditioner so I reached in the locker and one of the Penelope ladies with the longer hair volunteered for a relaxer root touch up. This is where we apply the relaxer only to the hair closest to the scalp kinda like when hair color has roots. Because in either case its virgin hair that needs a retouch to match the already done portion. We used colesterol again and we only did the back right quadrant / section.
Then it was break
After break we had time to blow dry our Naomi manikins so I blew her hair out with the Rake attachment. Then using actual relaxer we did a whole head of a virgin relaxer. We also set the timer just to see how we were doing with it. We had 20 minutes. I finished at about minute 21. But some of that was because I was running low on relaxer which made it take more time to brush it on. Next time I'll make sure I have plenty. This was the first time I had ever used actual relaxer. I'm kinda sad about it though because my Naomi had very nice curls. As if she were set on the blue rollers. Student and friend A helped me do the smoothing part while I was waiting for a shampoo bowl to open up and then I got Naomi neutralized and shampooed and then it was lunch time.
After lunch I once again blew her hair straight with the rake and some Denman brushing. She came out really smooth. It looked as though I was looking at Reese's hair.
Then since there was a tiny bit of time left I quickly shampooed Penelope to at least get her with just damp hair with nothing in it. I blew her dry a tiny bit and then put her away and cleaned up for break time.
After break we did some theory review and then we did some game show type games.
I had an awesome day. Relaxers can be scary because of the potential damage they can do. But the application part is something you just gotta dance through. Thankfully Mrs J turned the music on today. It helped a bunch.
However when I stopped at CVS on the way home to get some milk and pop I realized as I was about to put my items in my hatchback trunk that I left my big duffel bag in the classroom. So I called when I got home and they put it in the office for me. And I'll leave off on that note thinking positive thoughts about that.
Thanks for reading. :)
~ No Tangles ~
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