Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 35 ~ Fillers & Folded Foil Fun ~ 9/9/13

Cosmetology School Journal ~ Day 35 ~ Fillers & Folded Foil Fun ~ 9/9/13

Today's Hair: I wore my black & white polka dot bow band that I wore back on 7/30. I only had one band on the ends instead of the two from this older picture from then.

We started today by going to the salon floor for some announcements. That took a while.
Then we came back and we played some games to review for the quizzes. We had 1 today and another later this week. We played a Jeopardy game, a Pyramid game, and a few more. During the game the other team had a question that i couldn't guess about evening porosity. Turns out it was Filler.

After break we watched Linda's video on doing a retouch of color on the new growth.
According to my old client log notebook  from Virginia Farrell I did the following:
12/7/00 - Tint Retouch & wet set
2/21/01 - Tint & set (I assume I wrote that as I did her whole strands not just a retouch)
3/2/01 - Tint & set
3/3/01 - Tint & set
3/7/ 01 - Tint & set
3/8/01 - Took over to wash out tint.
3/22/01 - Tint Retouch
3/24/01 - Fanciful Rinse - Just a temporary color rinse that shampoos out.
5/26/01 - Tint & set

I didn't realize I had done that much color wise. Plus I had my friend over back then for a box color.
The procedure for the retouch is basically the same as a relaxer retouch. Only slight differences.
I did my retouch using Naomi. I figured I had enough practise with doing the relaxer that I might as well give her another turn.

After lunch I had a couple bits of the right side left to brush on and then it was time to rinse her out and set up for trying foils. First we watched Linda' video. Then Mrs J demo'd. I was using longer haired Penelope.
I tried one and then I was having trouble figuring out how to hold the hair and the foil at the same time and getting the tint brush with the other hand so I asked Mrs J to tell me what I was doing wrong. She helped out with 2 foils and then i figured out that I wasn't pinning the hair down with my hand the way I was seeing earlier. So I did a few more practise ones. We were doing what's called the Mohawk sections and we were weaving as if doing highlights.

After break we did some last minute review for the quiz, took the quiz. This was the theory portion today. The next is on application. I got.................100% of the 20 questions. Thankfully that Filler question was part of the games earlier in the day or I'd have missed 2. I finished the day by giving Naomi and Penny a quick blow dry so they'd be ready tomorrow in case I needed a dry haired manikin. I brought Ben and the other Penny home and right now they are wet from shampooing out their gel. They had been in my locker for 4 weeks since the pin curls and Ben's hair wrap around the head. I have Reese at home right now too with her spiral curls from taking out her spiral perm / wet set. I'll probably take Ameri with me tomorrow as another dry hair for doing foils on. Kinda insteresting since she has been colored previously by her other stylist.

Over the weekend I went to war with my timer. The rehersal rubric for perms says 45 minute time to beat.
I did 1hr and 13 minutes on thursday.
Friday: 55 minutes, 48 min, 48 min
Saturday: 48, 47, 47, 46, 48
Sunday: 45 minutes (Not beaten yet because its not under 45) This picture is that last wrap.
I restocked my perm papers during Lunch today so I'll be continuing this.

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