Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 36 ~ Foiled Again ~ 9/10/13

Cosmetology School ~ Day 36 ~ Foiled Again ~ 9/10/13

Today's Hair:
I was going to do a higher sock bun but I gave it a few tries and ran out of time. So I put my fuzzy pink scrunchie on my tail. Then I put a clip on pink bow above it. Then I put one of my old terry cloth bands on the end.

We started the day with Mrs J talking about color mixing and showing us the scale and beaker and some of the Wella tubes of color.
After break we went over the state laws some more. Then we re-watched the Linda video on doing a mohawk sectioned foils. We then got set up so we could do practical after lunch. I don't know what it is but watching that video was putting me into a doubt fog. Even though I had done some foils yesterday. I just couldn't shake the old feelings. Something about watching that made me have those feelings of I don't belong again. It almost seems silly but something about it was nagging me. Eh whatever........

During lunch my phone wouldn't load FB so I figured I'd go for one of those walks I'd meant to take before the weather got cold so I walked all the way to the corner of the shopping center and back. I was still able to get Youtube to load so my songs were playing.

So I came back from Lunch all charged up and ready to go. And I just calmly started putting some foils in. Its just a procedure. You section hair. You either take a solid strand or you weave out more individual strands. You fold the top of the foil back over your metal tail and slide it in under the hair at the scalp. You hold the hair with tension and apply your product. It will then make the hair grab on to the foil so you can then put your holding hand under the foil. Then you can brush more on. Then you softly fold it so its still an airy pillow to allow for processing. There's a tiny bit more to it but that's the basics. Nothing I needed to be afraid of. Its just been 13 years of waiting to try it. So I worked my way around carefully and got to try most of the sections / areas. Then it was break time.

After break we watched Linda again to learn the Diagonal version of foils. In this one you use 4 sections. Then you slice out diagonal sections from those and work your way up the head until you have a diamond shape meeting at the top. The mohawk version has the head sectioned more like a perm wrap with a section going down the middle from front to back. And then 2 sections on each side. Then you make a small section in that mohawk at the middle of the top for having some pivoting strands like this / | \

So that got us to the end. We had the option of using actual bleach or lightener for the diagonal but I decided to stick with the colesterol cream. I wanted to focus on learning the foils and not be focusing on what was happening to the hair yet. Plus I don't want to just randomly change bits of hair yet on the manikins. I want to color them with some sort of plan for a change when I do.

Here's the Mohawk and then the Diagonal. Note: In the real process I'm supposed to do all the back first and then move to the sides. I forgot about that because I was trying to just get experience doing each area. Different areas involve holding things at different angles or having to tilt the head certain ways. I need to learn that. I'd rather have it be awkward now and figure out how to hold it better than have to struggle on people.

Mohawk on Ameri from home. Diagonal on Penelope with longer hair than the other Penelope.

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