Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 80 ~ Around The World & Back ~ 11/12/13

Cosmetology School Journey ~ Day 80 ~ Around The World & Back ~ 11/12/13

555 Hours

Today's Hair: No picture. Just a ponytail with my fuzzy purple scrunchie.

Classroom Day: The instructor rotation changed and we now have Mrs E. This is my first time having her in a classroom. Part of me wants to crigne but at the same time more of me is saying that I need the challenge. The schedule is 2 weeks of Infection Control, State Laws, & Makeup folowed by 2 weeks of Hairstyling and the Mock State Board again. Mrs E is a by the book teacher and she's going to teach us the way we have to do it at the board. For better or worse. I need it. I'd rather mess it up with her than pass it three times at school and then mess the real one up thinking I knew how to do it.

Today was also the day that new Workshop students joined Rehearsal. This time it was students I hadn't already known from workshop. We have about 5 new. I counted about 4 students worth of equipment the other day so I'm guessing that's how many new we have in Workshop.

Up until 2 pm we did theory for Infections. But for the most part it was like swap story time so it was a mix of "I saw someone with _____" and then discussing. I guess you could say it was more of a practical theory.

From 2-4 pm we had guest speakers from Regis Corp (Supercuts, BoRics, Smartstyle and others). They did 2 clipper cut demos on 1 manikin and we got to come up and take a few passes with the clippers and also some snips with the shears. I took my turns.

Now for the things on my mind: Of all the days for me to be wearing just a ponytail why did it have to be today? One of the speakers said something like this to the class "Its ok to have hair down to your butt if it looks good. If you put it up it should look nice. Don't use the sectioning clips to wear it up. And No ponytails."
You know it would be one thing had I still been only wearing tails but of all the stinking days to hear that after 70+ days of wearing fancy things I have to hear that. I had such an urge to grab my spin pins and throw my hair up. But they were at home. Gonna have to change that. And it may make my journal a bit less fun to keep up with and make for less photo sharing but I may just have to stick to a few everyday same old same old buns and less toy playing. Which brings me to my next thoughts
There's a part of me that feels like I'm losing control again. I've still got things in my life that are trying to keep me living the way I was. I'm losing the dinner battle again. Its been way too many weeks in a row again of eating dinners I didn't make for myself. And my old habits are coming back because of it. I'm blaming myself.
Something needs to change. I may have to ask for help in ways I haven't yet.
Another thing is practise time. I need to practise at home. There are no two ways about it. But on Sunday when I wanted to practise I was instead sitting in this chair playing useless FB games and the Lions game was on the TV. So I had enough. No more FB games. None. I don't care how simple, cute, little bit of time, whatever. If its not some amazing Hair Salon game that is worth playing I am done. I'd rather paint my nails over and over than play those things anymore. And I need to get out of this house more. Which brings me to the other part of what bugged me with the speakers today.
They were talking about how to apply and get interviews and such and that if you visited one of their salons they might interview you on the spot and have you do a haircut test on a model. And I'm thinking to myself where's this model supposed to pop out from if you were just visiting the salon. So I asked if they meant a live model or a manikin and they meant a model. And for some stupid reason the old me just had to volunteer that I was having a hard time with that and then I listened to the bit about just walk into a store and shout to the heavens that you need a model. Or at least that's the way it sounded to me. The one who is still trying to get people to take a piece of paper from me without rejecting me. I have posted to a few local sites with thousands of people on them offering discounts of $5, $10, and Free and not one single bite on those. So it makes me second guess myself with whether I can just approach people and offer the Free.

But that's the old me again. In have been successful at this. I may not be as far along as I wanted to be but I am grateful for how it has turned out and is continuing to. So challenge accepted. I don't care if I have to start going up and down that center offering to pay for haircuts I'm going to start bringing people to sit in the chair. I'm going to do what I have to do to show that I am worth it. I don't have to do it that way but its an option. I have other ideas too. But I said it before and I'll say it again. I refuse to settle for just doing the minimum. There's a Designer and Master Designer level and I want them. I'm not going to not try. I have come way too far along to settle for the old. I love what I do too much to let the voices inside and out tell me I can't. I'm going to. I have to. I want to.

Edited to add:
This week's guest schedule:
Wednesday morning my friend H is coming back tomorrow morning for her second visit. She came for a trim last month. Tomorrow I get to take her color a bit darker. We're on a time crunch which is why I was being so hard on myself this weekend to practise. I want to get her done on time or less so she can keep to her schedule. I have the option to have help if needed and will do so if I have to. The important thing is that she's coming for a visit and I appreciate that.
I don't have an afternoon guest yet nor do I have a Friday morning before 1:30 with Mrs D.
But Saturday is the big one. I already had a Shampoo& Thermal at 9:30 with a kids party coming in at 11 with me having to do an updo, polish, and makeup for a kid. But today on the computer it shows that I have a 1 pm guest for hair color & a thermal. And at some point between 9:30 and 4 I have to take a half hour lunch plus that color has to process for a minimum time. But it is what it is and again, challenge accepted.

~ No Tangles ~

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